GXG havde på tidspunktet for undersøgelsen endnu ikke et fuldt overblik over sagerne, men havde dog konstateret, at flere omhandlede ”fraud claims” eller anden adfærd, som kunne give anledning til mistanke om bedrageri.
GXG had at the time of the survey is not yet a full overview of the cases, but had, however, found that several referred to "fraud claims" or other conduct that could give rise to the suspicion of fraud.
GXG had at the time of the survey is not yet a full overview of the cases, but had found that several referred to "fraud claims" or other conduct that could give rise to the suspicion of fraud.
GXG had at the time of the investigation does not yet have a full overview of the cases, but had found, however, that several referred to 'fraud claims" or other behavior, which could give rise to suspicion of fraud.