Hvad er en friskole?Undervisningspligt og ikke skolepligtFriskoler er 翻訳 - Hvad er en friskole?Undervisningspligt og ikke skolepligtFriskoler er 英語言う方法

Hvad er en friskole?Undervisningspl

Hvad er en friskole?
Undervisningspligt og ikke skolepligt

Friskoler er grundskoler, der kan tilbyde undervisning for børn fra børnehaveklassen til 10. klasse. Som oftest er friskolerne opstået som et forældreinitiativ på baggrund af Grundlovens §76, der fastslår, at vi i Danmark har undervisningspligt og ikke skolepligt.

Friskolerne er dermed et alternativ til folkeskolen og fungerer under Friskoleloven, der overordnet set bestemmer, at friskolerne "skal stå mål med undervisningen i folkeskolen".

Grundtvig og Kold som inspiratorer
I Danmark går friskoletraditionen tilbage til midten af 1800-tallet, hvor især Christen Kold og N.F.S. Grundtvig spiller en rolle som inspiratorer.

I dag afspejler friskolerne en bred vifte af skoler grundlagt på forskellige religiøse, livs- og værdigrundlag: grundtvig/koldske friskoler, Rudolf Steiner skoler, lilleskoler, flersprogede friskoler, adventist skoler, skoler med særligt pædagogisk grundsyn og mange flere.

Skolerne afgør frit, hvilke elever, de vil optage.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
What is a charity?Compulsory and non compulsory schoolingIndependent schools are elementary schools, offering tuition for children from kindergarten to 10th. class. More often than not is friskolerne emerged as a parents initiative on the basis of the Basic Law § 76, stipulating that we in Denmark have compulsory schooling and not compulsory.Friskolerne is an alternative to the public school and works under Friskoleloven, which generally provides that friskolerne "must be commensurate with the teaching of the primary school".Grundtvig and Cold as inspirationsIn Denmark goes friskole tradition back to the mid 1800 's, where especially Cold and N.F.S. Grundtvig Christen has a role to play as sources of inspiration.Today friskolerne reflects a wide range of schools founded on various religious, life and value basis: grundtvig/of n.f.s. Grundtvig/c.m. independent schools, Rudolf Steiner schools, small schools, multilingual independent schools, adventist schools, schools with special educational ethos and many more.Schools are free to decide which students they want to record.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]

What is a private school?
Compulsory education and no compulsory schooling

Schools are elementary schools that offer education for children from kindergarten to 10th grade. Most often independent schools emerged as a parent initiative based on the Basic Law §76, which states that in Denmark we have compulsory education and no compulsory schooling.

Frisko formulas are thus an alternative to public school and operate under the Free School Act, which generally provides that independent schools "should be teaching objectives in elementary school. "

Grundtvig and Kold as inspirers
in Denmark independent school tradition back to the mid-1800s, and especially Christen Kold and NFS Grundtvig's role as a source of inspiration.

today reflects the independent schools a wide range of schools founded on different religious , life and values: grundtvig / Kold independent schools, Rudolf Steiner schools, small schools, multilingual private schools, Adventist schools, schools with special pedagogical view and many more.

the schools decide freely which students they want to record.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
what is a charter school?compulsory education and non compulsory educationfriskoler is primary schools which offer education for children from kindergarten to 10. class. as is often the friskolerne emerged as a forældreinitiativ in the light of the basic law §76, which states that we in denmark have compulsory education and non compulsory education.friskolerne is thus an alternative to primary school and operate under friskoleloven, which generally provides that friskolerne "must be proportional to the teaching in primary school".grundtvig and cold as mentorsin denmark friskoletraditionen goes back to the middle of the nineteenth century, where particularly christen cold and n.f.s. grundtvig plays a role as mentors.today friskolerne reflects a wide range of schools founded on various religious, life and values: grundtvig / koldske friskoler, rudolf steiner schools, lilleskoler, multilingual friskoler, adventist schools, schools with specific pedagogical concept and many more.schools to decide freely, which students will do.
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