Det startede heller ikke for lovende, da Overmars takkede mig på klubbens vegne, og oplyste at min kontrakt jo var udløbet og at jeg som 71-årig ¿ikke var helt ung længere¿.
It started not promising when overmars thanked me on the Club's behalf, and stated that my contract was expired and that I, as a 71-year-old ¿weren't quite young anymore ¿.
It started not very bright either, as Overmars thanked me on behalf of the Club, and stated that my contract of course had expired and that I, as a 71-year-old ¿not quite young anymore ¿.
It started out not too promising, since Overmars thanked me on behalf of the club, and stated that my contract was expired and that I, as 71-year-old was not entirely accidental young longer¿.