Vejle KommuneFamilieafdelingens SekretariatSkolegade 17100 VejleAtt. S翻訳 - Vejle KommuneFamilieafdelingens SekretariatSkolegade 17100 VejleAtt. S英語言う方法

Vejle KommuneFamilieafdelingens Sek

Vejle Kommune
Familieafdelingens Sekretariat
Skolegade 1
7100 Vejle
Att. Soc.rdg. Kristine Busk Thygesen

Kolding, den 16. februar 2015


Rapport vedr. støttekontaktpersonordning – Ryoko Suzuki cpr. nr. 220744-4150, og
Junya Suzuki cpr. nr. 260876-4391

Periode: Den 20.8.2014 – 16.2.2015

Støtteperson: Grete Christensen

Der har været bevilget 8 timer månedligt.

På opfølgningsmødet den 28. august 2014 blev følgende punkter nævnt som fremtidige arbejdspunkter:
Aktiv søgning til institutionsplads for Yoshiya
Lejlighedsvis støtte i legestuen
Vejledning omkring Yoshiyas udvikling
Hjælp til selvhjælp ved kontakt til læge/offentlig myndighed
Hjælp i akutte situationer
Der ydes hjælp i forbindelse med indkøring af Yoshiya i vuggestuen
Netværksdannelse og dansk kultur
Støtteforløb fra 28.8.2014 til 31.12.2014:
Den 3.9.2014 aftalte vi, at Ryoko selv tog i legestue på Nørremarken. Jeg skulle komme senere for derefter at følges med dem hjem i lejligheden. Her ville vi kontakte pladsanvisningen. Jeg snakkede med Lillian Hansen, da Ryoko ikke er så glad for at tale i telefon. Beskeden var, at vi skulle ringe igen sidst i september.
Den10.9.2014. Jeg var igen med i legestuen i kortere tid, Ryoko er begyndt at snakke mere med et par andre forældre. Al samtale foregår stadig på engelsk, og jeg oversætter ofte, hvis de øvrige forældre samtaler på dansk, så Ryoko kan følge med så meget som muligt. Hun får på den måde indblik i de problematikker, de andre forældre står med.
Den 16.9.2014 arrangerer legestuen en udflugt til Skærup mini Zoo for børn og forældre, og Ryoko vil gerne deltage. Jeg deltager som frivillig for legestuen, da det er et heldags arrangement samt første gang, Ryoko skal deltage i udflugt.
Den18.9.2014. Jeg har fortalt Ryoko om Spotligth, Vejle Kommunes projekt for børn og unge. Hun vil gerne opleve det sammen med Yoshiya, og vi arrangerer, at hun kan komme til Egtved by, hvor børnehaver og skoler optræder. Hun har forberedt dagen med madkurv og de ting, hun skal bruge til Yoshiya. Hun spørger mig til råds om, hvordan vi som publikum forholder os. Yoshiya virker meget optaget af de ting, børnene optræder med.
Ryoko tager nu oftere selv i legestue. Hvis der er skriftlige opslag, hun ikke forstår, tager hun foto af opslaget og spørger, om jeg vil oversætte. Vi bruger tid på at samle op på de ting, Ryoko oplever i legestuerne. Hun følte sig eksempelvis ikke så godt tilpas alene i Bredballe Legestue. Hun fortalte om en episode, hvor hun følte, at lederen overså Yoshiya, hvilket hun blev ked af. Vi gennemgik episoden, og Ryoko fik mod på at tage af sted igen.
Den 25.9.2014. Vi kontakter igen pladsanvisningen og får at vide, at der sikkert bliver plads i Mælkevejen den1.1.2015. Da Ryoko ønsker at have Yoshiya derhjemme så længe som muligt, vælger familien at vente på en ledig plads.
I oktober deltager jeg nogle få gange i legestuen. Ryoko har hver gang nedskrevet en del spørgsmål, hun ønsker hjælp til besvarelse af. Det kan være spørgsmål omkring Yoshiyas udvikling, råd omkring tøj, fodtøj eller breve, hun ikke helt forstår.

I november er der adventshygge i legestuen, hvor børn og forældre/bedsteforældre er inviteret til at lave dekorationer, synge julesange og spise æbleskiver. Ryoko vil gerne invitere mig med, da det er nyt for hende at være med i den tradition. Vi har sidst i november en julemiddag hos mig med indføring i danske juletraditioner.
Der har været en del sms kontakt i perioden siden sidste møde.
I december har legestuen julefrokost for børn og forældre. Ryoko kontakter mig pr. sms, da jeg er på ferie. Hun er usikker på, hvad hun skal medbringe til julefrokosten, da alle forældre skal komme med en ting. Vi skriver sammen, og Ryoko finder en løsning.

Den 20.12.2014 rejser familien Suzuki på ferie i Japan. Ryoko har i den forbindelse vendt en del bekymringer med mig omkring det at skulle bo hos familierne i Japan så mange dage.
Støtteforløb fra den 1.1.2015 til 15.2.2015:
Familien Suzuki vendte tilbage fra juleferie den 14.1.2015, og vi aftaler at mødes den
16.1.2015. Her planlægger vi, hvordan Yoshiyas første dag i Mælkevejen skal forløbe. Ryoko har modtaget et velkomstbrev, som jeg oversætter. Yoshiya virker glad og ser ud til at være kommet fint over jetlag og den lange rejse.

Mandag den 19. januar mødes jeg med familien ved Mælkevejen, og vi går sammen ind. Familien bliver budt velkommen og får en rundvisning samt gennemgang af de vigtigste informationer, hvilket foregår på engelsk. Jeg er sammen med Yoshiya, imens pædagogen går rundt med forældrene. Yoshiya begynder at lege og virker ubekymret for den nye situation.
Efter en time tager Junya på arbejde. Jeg bliver hos Ryoko, da hun ønsker det. Efter et par timer går vi hjem med Yoshiya. Pædagogen har givet Ryoko forslag til, hvordan indkøringen skal foregå, og vi aftaler, at jeg går med igen tirsdag.

Den 20.1.2015. Ryoko vil gerne have, at jeg bliver sammen med hende og Yoshiya. Hun er lidt bekymret for, om Yoshiya vil sidde pænt ved bordet, og om han vil være sød ved de andre børn. Vi får en snak om, at de voksne i vuggestuen vil hjælpe Yoshiya til at lære reglerne. Jeg hjælper Ryoko med at få spurgt om de ting, hun er i tvivl om.

Den 22.1.2015 deltager jeg sammen med Junya, Ryoko og en japansk tolk i et informationsmøde i vuggestuen. Her får forældrene en masse praktiske informationer om hverdagen i vuggestuen.

Den 23.1.2015 aftaler jeg at mødes med Ryoko, efter hun har afleveret Yoshiya i vuggestuen. Hun har en del spørgsmål, som kræver lidt yderligere forklaring, samt nogle overvejelser for forældrene – eks.: Hvad betyder det, når der på stamkortet står:

Må barnet deltage i badning under pædagogisk opsyn?
Må barnet køres i privat bil?

Jeg gør desuden Ryoko opmærksom på, at hun skal fortælle pædagogen, at Yoshiya er født med et stort blåt mærke på ballen, så det ikke giver anledning til bekymring.

Vi går sammen i vuggestuen for at hente Yoshiya. Her er beskeden, at det er gået godt, men at Yoshiya ikke kunne/ville sove, da der stadig er larmende håndværkere i huset.

Ryoko startede på sprogskole den 2.2.2015. Hun fortæller, at Yoshiya græd, da hun gik fra ham.

Den 4.2.2015 bliver Ryoko kontaktet af vuggestuen, da Yoshiya har feber og virker syg. Hun sender sms til mig og spørger, om jeg synes, hun skal kontakte lægen. Hun skriver igen, da hun har fået en aftale og vil gerne, om jeg vil tage med til lægen, hvilket jeg gør.
Lægen undersøger Yoshiya og finder ingen årsag til feber i en blodprøve. De følgende dage bliver Yoshiya mere syg, og Ryoko kontakter mig hver dag pr. sms. Hun følger lægens råd om at give Yoshiya væske og det mad, han vil have. Ryoko er bekymret, da der efter weekenden ikke er sket bedring i tilstanden. Hun spørger mig igen, om hun skal gå til læge. Vi aftaler, at jeg kontakter lægen, da det kan være tidskrævende at komme igennem, når man har et sygt barn at tage vare på. Ryoko vil gerne, hvis jeg vil tale med til lægen. Her får Yoshiya igen taget blodprøve, som viser, at han har en betændelsestilstand i kroppen. Sygeplejersken, som tager blodprøven, taler kun dansk, og jeg oversætter for Ryoko. Hun er bekymret for, hvad de tal, der bliver nævnt, betyder. Jeg får en forklaring og giver den videre. Lægen undersøger Yoshiya og snakker med Ryoko på engelsk. Yoshiya skal have penicillin, som Ryoko vil hente på apoteket, når det er klar.

I de følgende dage bliver Yoshiyas tilstand bedre. Ryoko er omhyggelig med at give ham medicinen, selvom han ikke kan lide det. Hun er klar over, at han skal have alle 8 dage, selvom han får det bedre inden. Vi er i daglig kontakt, hvor Ryoko sender sms om, hvordan det går. Hun spørger, om jeg mener, han skal i vuggestue fredag, hvis han har det fint.
Fredag den 13.2.2015 starter Yoshiya igen i vuggestue. Ryoko fortsætter med sprogskole og er på nuværende tidspunkt begyndt at sige og sms’e enkelte sætninger på dansk.
Jeg vil kort beskrive, hvordan jeg har set Yoshiyas udvikling siden sidste møde:
Følelsesmæssigt virker Yoshiya tæt knyttet til begge sine forældre. Han viser også en større følelsesmæssig tilknytning til mig end til andre voksne, han møder.
Socialt er Yoshiya en glad dreng. Han er meget nysgerrig og interesseret i omverdenen, i andre børn, han leger og virker glad i legestuen, han følger med, når vi synger, laver fakter og deltager i fællesskabet.
Motorisk er Yoshiya, efter min opfattelse, over gennemsnit, da han er i stand til at lave svære balance- og koordineringsøvelser. Han løber går og kravler.
Sprogligt er Yoshiya næppe alderssvarende, da han ikke rigtig udtrykker sig med ord endnu, hverken på japansk, engelsk eller dansk. Han virker dog til at forstå verden omkring sig, peger på ting, henter ting, når vi nævner dem.
Det er tydeligt, at Yoshiya profilerer af at have gået i legestue. Han har let ved at agere sammen med de andre børn i vuggestuen, ligesom han kan følge sange med fagter og bevægelse. Han er desuden vant til at spise sammen med andre børn. Ryoko bruger min støtte til at få uddybet de ting, hun har svært ved at forstå, og som hun mener kræver for meget tid af personalet i vuggestuen. Hun har desuden haft brug for støtte i akutte situationer, og når hun bliver bekymret for Yoshiya.

Med hensyn til netværksdannelse er det ikke lykkedes at danne sociale netværk for familien.

Med venlig hilsen

f. Grete Christensen, støtteperson
Jan Druedahl, støttepersonkoordinator
ソース言語: デンマーク語
ターゲット言語: 英語
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Vejle MunicipalityFamily Department SecretariatSkolegade 17100 VejleAttn: Soc. rdg. Kristine B TKolding, 16 October. February 2015 GC/jdReport regarding. support contact system – Ryoko Suzuki cpr. Nr. 220744-4150, andJunya Suzuki cpr. Nr. 260876-4391Period: The 20.8.2014 – 16.2.2015 Support person: Grete Christensen There have been allocated 8 hours monthly.Description: At the follow-up meeting of 28. August 2014, the following points were mentioned as future work items: Active search for institutional space for YoshiyaOccasional aid in the play roomGuide about Yoshiyas development To help themselves by contact with doctor/public authorityHelp in emergency situationsProvided help in connection with commissioning of Yoshiya in crècheNetworking and Danish culture Support courses from 28.8.2014 to 31.12.2014:The 3.9.2014 we agreed that Ryoko even took in playgroup at Jelling. I was supposed to come later and then followed them home in the apartment. Here we would contact the space Guide. I chatted with Lillian H, since Ryoko is not so happy to talk on the phone. The message was that we had to call again at the end of september.  The 10.9.2014. I was again with in the play room in shorter time, Ryoko has begun to talk more with a few other parents. All conversation is still in English, and I translate often, if the other parent conversations on Danish as Ryoko can follow as much as possible. She gets on the way of insight into the issues, the other parents are faced with.  The 16.9.2014 organizes play living room an excursion to Skærup mini Zoo for children and parents, and Ryoko would like to participate. I participate as a volunteer for children's play room, since it is a full-day event as well as the first time, Ryoko must participate in the excursion.  The 18.9.2014. I've told Ryoko about Spotligth, Vejle municipality's project for children and young people. She would like to experience it along with Yoshiya, and we arrange that she can get to Egtved town where kindergartens and schools acts. She has prepared each day with a picnic basket and the things that she must use to Yoshiya. She asks me for advice on how we, as the audience is us. Yoshiya seems very preoccupied with the stuff, the kids perform. Ryoko now takes more often even in the playgroup. If there is a written notice, she does not understand, she takes photo of the spread and asks if I want to translate. We spend time trying to pick up on those things, Ryoko is experiencing in the play rooms. She felt so comfortable, for example, is not alone in Wide bale playgroup. She told of an incident in which she felt that she was the leader oversaw Yoshiya, which upset. We reviewed the episode, and Ryoko got the courage to take off again. The 25.9.2014. We will contact back yard's Guide and get to know that there probably will be place in the milky way the 1.1.2015. When Ryoko wants to have Yoshiya at home as long as possible, choose the family to wait on a free space. In October I participate a few times in the play room. Ryoko has every time depreciated part questions, she would help to answer. It can be questions around Yoshiyas development, advice about clothing, footwear or letters, she didn't quite understand.In november, there is advent coziness in the play room where children and parents/grandparents are invited to make decorations, singing carols and eating Apple slices. Ryoko would like to invite me, because it is new for her to be with in the tradition. At the end of november we have a Christmas dinner with me with the introduction in Danish Christmas traditions.There has been a lot of sms contact in the period since the last meeting. In december has play room Christmas party for children and parents. Ryoko contacts me per sms, when I'm on vacation. She is unsure of what she should bring to your Christmas feast, as all parents must come up with a thing. We write together, and Ryoko finds a solution. The 20.12.2014 travel family Suzuki on vacation in Japan. Ryoko has turned a share concerns with me about it having to stay with families in Japan so many days. Support gradients from the 1.1.2015 to 15.2.2015:Family Suzuki returned from Christmas holidays the 14.1.2015, and we agree to meet the16.1.2015. Here we are planning, how Yoshiyas the first day of the milky way must elapse. Ryoko has received a welcome letter, which I translate. Yoshiya seems happy and seems to have been fine over the Jet lag and the long journey.Monday, 19. January I meet with the family at the milky way, and we go together into. Family are welcomed and are given a tour and review of the most important pieces of information, which takes place in English. I'm with Yoshiya, meanwhile, endured a walk around with their parents. Yoshiya begins to play and seems unconcerned for the new situation. After an hour takes Junya at work. I will be with Ryoko when she wants it. after a few hours, we go home with Yoshiya. The educator has given Ryoko proposals as to how the commissioning must be carried out, and we agree, that I go by again Tuesday. The 20.1.2015. Ryoko would like to have, that I will be with her and Yoshiya. She is a little worried about Yoshiya will sit nicely at the table and whether he'll be sweet at the other kids. We will have a talk about that the adults in the nursery will help Yoshiya to learn the rules. I help Ryoko get asked about the things she is in doubt.The 22.1.2015 I participate along with Junya, Ryoko and a Japanese interpreter in an information session in the crèche. Here parents get a lot of practical information about everyday life in the crèche. The 23.1.2015 agreements I to meet up with Ryoko, after she has delivered Yoshiya in the crèche. She has a share issue that requires a little more explanation, as well as some ideas for parents – as: what does it mean when on the stem adapter says:The child must participate in bathing under pedagogical supervision?The child must be run in a private car?I also note that she must Ryoko tell the educator, to Yoshiya was born with a large bruise on the ball, so it does not give rise to concern. We go together in the crèche to retrieve Yoshiya. Here is the message that it has gone well, but to Yoshiya could not/would sleep, since there is still a noisy workmen in the House.Ryoko started at language school the 2.2.2015. She tells that Yoshiya cried when she went from him. The 4.2.2015 will be contacted by the crèche, when Ryoko Yoshiya has fever and seems ill. She sends sms to me and asks if I think she should contact the doctor. She writes again, as she has been given an appointment and would like to know if I want to take with you to the doctor, which I do. Doctor examines Yoshiya and finds no cause of fever in a blood sample. The following days will be Yoshiya more sick, and Ryoko contacts me every day per sms. She follows the doctor's advice about giving Yoshiya fluid and the food he wants. Ryoko is worried because after the weekend has been no improvement in the condition. She asks me again if she should go to the doctor. We agree that I am contacting the doctor, because it can be time consuming to get through, when you have a sick child to take care of. Ryoko would like to, if I want to talk to the doctor. Here get Yoshiya again taken blood test, which shows that he has an inflammation in the body. The nurse, who take the blood sample, speak only Danish, and I translate for Ryoko. She is worried about what the figures will be mentioned, means. I get an explanation and give it further. Doctor examines Yoshiya and talking with Ryoko in English. Yoshiya must have penicillin, as Ryoko will pick up at the pharmacy when it is ready. In the following days will be Yoshiyas mode better. Ryoko is careful to give him the medicine, even if he doesn't like it. She is aware that he must have all 8 days, even if he gets it better before. We are in daily contact, where Ryoko sends sms about how it goes. She asks if I think he must be in the nursery on Friday, if he has the fine. Friday the 13.2.2015 starter Yoshiya again in the crèche. Ryoko continues language school and is currently starting to say a few phrases in Danish and texting.I will briefly describe how I've seen Yoshiyas development since the last meeting: Emotionally works Yoshiya closely linked to both his parents. He also shows a greater emotional attachment to me than to other adults, he meets.Socially is Yoshiya a happy boy. He is very curious and interested in the outside world, in other kids, he plays and works in the play room, happy he follows with, when we sing, make hand gestures and participating in the community.Motor is, in my view, Yoshiya over average, since he is able to make difficult balance and coordination exercises. He runs goes and climbs.Linguistically is Yoshiya hardly age-appropriate, since he didn't really express themselves with words, yet neither in Japanese, English or Danish. He seems, however, to understand the world around him, pointing at things, getting things when we mention them. It is clear that raises the profile of Yoshiya having gone in the playgroup. He has easily by that Act, along with the other children in the crèche, like he can follow the songs with gestures and movement. He is also accustomed to eat together with other children. Ryoko uses my support to obtain further details about the things that she has difficulty understanding, and which she believes requires too much time by the staff of the crèche. She has also needed support in emergency situations, and when she gets worried Yoshiya.With regard to networking, it is not succeeded to form social networks for the family.With best regardsf. Grete Christensen, support personJan Druedahl, supporting person Coordinator
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]

Family Division Secretariat
Skolegade 1
7100 Vejle
Att. Soc.rdg. Kristine Busk Thygesen Kolding, February 16, 2015 gc / jd Report concerning. support contact system - Ryoko Suzuki CPR. no. 220744-4150, and Junya Suzuki CPR. no. 260876-4391 period: On 20.08.2014 - 16.02.2015 Mentors: Grete Christensen has been granted eight hours monthly. Description:  up meeting August 28, 2014 the following items were mentioned as future work items: Active search for institutional space for Yoshiya Occasionally support playroom Instructions about Yoshiyas development Self Help by contacting the medical / public authority Help in emergency situations Help is provided in connection with the commissioning of Yoshiya in the nursery Networking and Danish culture Support Flow from 08.28.2014 to 31.12.2014: The 3.9. in 2014, we agreed that Ryoko even took in playgroup at Nørremarken. I was to come later and then followed them home in the apartment. Here we would contact space allocation. I talked to Lillian Hansen as Ryoko is not so happy to talk on the phone. The message was that we had to call again in late September. Den10.9.2014. I was again with playroom in a shorter time, Ryoko has started to talk more with a few other parents. Al conversation is still in English, and I translate often if the other parent talks in Danish, so Ryoko can follow as much as possible. She gets in the way of insight into the problems that the other parents facing. The 16.9.2014 organizes playroom an excursion to Skærup mini zoo for children and parents, and Ryoko would like to participate. I participate as a volunteer for the playroom, as it is an all-day event and the first time, Ryoko will participate in the tour. Den18.9.2014. I told Ryoko on Spotligth, Vejle Municipality project for children and young people. She wants to experience it together with Yoshiya, and we arrange that she can get to Egtved city where kindergartens and schools perform. She has prepared the day with a picnic and the things she needs to Yoshiya. She asks me for advice on how we as the audience relate. Yoshiya seems very preoccupied with the things the kids perform with. Ryoko are now more frequently even in the playroom. If written notice, she does not understand, she takes the photo of the call and asks if I want to translate. We take the time to pick up on the things Ryoko experience in the play rooms. She felt, for example, not so comfortable alone in Bredballe Playgroup. She told of an incident in which she felt that the manager oversaw Yoshiya, which she was sorry. We reviewed the episode, and Ryoko got the courage to take off again. The 25.9.2014. We contact again space allocation and are told that there certainly is room in the Milky Way den1.1.2015. When Ryoko wants to have Yoshiya at home as long as possible, choose the family to wait for a vacancy. In October, I participate a few times in the playroom. Ryoko has every time written down some questions she wants help to answer. It may be questions about Yoshiyas development, advice about clothing, footwear or letters, she does not quite understand. In November's advent cozy playroom where children and parents / grandparents are invited to make decorations, singing carols and eat donuts. Ryoko would like to invite me, because it is new for her to be part of the tradition. We have late November a Christmas dinner with me with introduction to Danish Christmas traditions. There have been some sms contact the period since the last meeting. In December, the playgroup Christmas party for children and parents. Ryoko contact me by. sms when I'm on vacation. She is unsure of what she must bring to your Christmas party, as all parents to come up with a thing. We write together, and Ryoko find a solution. The 20/12/2014 travels Suzuki family on holiday in Japan. Ryoko In this connection reversed some concerns with me about it having to live with families in Japan as many days. Support Flow from 1.1.2015 to 15.02.2015: The family Suzuki returned from Christmas vacation on 01/14/2015 and we agree to meet on 16/01/2015. Here we plan how Yoshiyas first day of the Milky Way should proceed. Ryoko has received a welcome letter, which I translate. Yoshiya seems happy and seems to have recovered well over the jet lag and the long journey. Monday, January 19, I will meet with the family at the Milky Way, and we go together into. The family will be welcomed and given a tour and review of the key information, which is in English. I am with Yoshiya, while the teacher goes around the parents. Yoshiya begins to play and seems unconcerned about the new situation. After an hour takes Junya at work. I'll stay with Ryoko when she wants it. After a few hours we go home with Yoshiya. The teacher has given Ryoko suggestions on how the running to take place, and we agree that I go with again Tuesday. The 20.1.2015. Ryoko would like that I get along with her ​​and Yoshiya. She's a little worried about Yoshiya will sit nicely at the table, and he will be kind to the other children. We will have a talk that the adults in the nursery will help Yoshiya to learn the rules. I help Ryoko get asked about the things she is in doubt. The 01/22/2015 I participate along with Junya, Ryoko and a Japanese interpreter in an information meeting in the nursery. Here, parents receive a lot of practical information about everyday life in the nursery. On 23/01/2015 I arrange to meet with Ryoko, after she handed Yoshiya in the nursery. She has some issues that require a little more explanation, as well as some considerations for parents - eg .: What does it mean when the data card is: Do the child participate in bathing under pedagogical supervision? Do the child is run by private car? I do also Ryoko aware that she must tell the teacher that Yoshiya was born with a large bruise on the ball, so it is not a cause for concern. We go together in the nursery to pick Yoshiya. Here is the message that it has gone well, but that Yoshiya could not / would sleep, as there are still noisy workmen in the house. Ryoko started a language school on 02/02/2015. She says that Yoshiya cried when she left him. On 04.02.2015 becomes Ryoko contacted by the nursery since Yoshiya have a fever and seems ill. She sends sms to me and asks if I think she should consult a doctor. She writes again, as she has made ​​a deal and would like to know if I will take to the doctor, which I do. The doctor examines Yoshiya and finds no cause of fever in a blood sample. The following days will Yoshiya sicker, and Ryoko contacts me each day per. SMS. She follows his advice on giving Yoshiya liquid and the food he wants. Ryoko is worried because after the weekend has been no improvement in the condition. She asks me again if she should go to the doctor. We agree that I contact your doctor as it can be time consuming to get through when you have a sick child to take care of. Ryoko would like, if I want to talk to your doctor. Here Yoshiya again bled, which shows that he has an inflammation in the body. The nurse who take the blood sample, only speaks Danish, and I translate for Ryoko. She is worried about what the figures are mentioned means. I get an explanation and to pass it on. The doctor examines Yoshiya and talk with Ryoko in English. Yoshiya must have penicillin, as Ryoko will pick up at the pharmacy when it is ready. In the following days will Yoshiyas condition better. Ryoko is careful to give him medicine, though he did not like it. She is aware that he must have all 8 days, though he gets better before. We are in daily contact, where Ryoko sends sms on how it goes. She asks if I think he should be in creche Friday if he's fine. Friday, 13.02.2015 starts Yoshiya again in the nursery. Ryoko continue language school and is currently starting to say and texting individual sentences in Danish. I will briefly describe what I have seen Yoshiyas developments since the last meeting: Emotionally works Yoshiya closely related to both parents. He also shows a greater emotional attachment to me than to other adults he encounters. Socially, Yoshiya a happy boy. He is very curious and interested in the outside world, in other children, he plays and seems happy in the playroom, he follows when we sing, make gestures and participating in the community. Motor is Yoshiya, in my view, of average as he is able to make difficult balance and coordination exercises. He runs yesterday and crawls. Linguistically Yoshiya hardly age-appropriate, since he does not really express themselves with words yet, neither in Japanese, English or Danish. He seems, however, to understand the world around him, pointing at things, getting things when we mention them. It is clear that Yoshiya profiles of having gone to playgroup. His easy to act together with the other children in the nursery, and he can follow songs with gestures and movement. He is also accustomed to eating with other children. Ryoko use my support to get deepened the things she has trouble understanding, which she believes requires too much time of staff in the nursery. She has also been in need of support in emergency situations and when she gets worried Yoshiya. With regard to networking has not managed to form social networks for the family. Sincerely f. Grete Christensen, support person in January Grape Dahl, support person coordinator
















結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]

Vejle Municipality
Familieafdelingens Secretariat
Skolegade Vejle
7100 Auth. Soc. rdg. Kristine Busk Thygesen

Kolding, the February 16, 2015


report for støttekontaktpersonordning - Ryoko Suzuki CPR. No 220744-4150, and
Junya Suzuki CPR. No 260876-4391

Period: The 8.20.2014 - 2.16.2015

executive sponsor: Grete Christensen

has been granted 8 hours monthly.

By the follow-up conference the august 28, 2014 was the following points mentioned as future avenues:

active search to institutionsplads for Yoshiya
occasional support in legestuen
Guidance around Yoshiyas development
help for self-help in contact to doctor/public authority
help in emergency situations
assistance is provided in connection with break-in at the crèches Yoshiya
翻訳ツールのサポート: アイスランド語, アイルランド語, アゼルバイジャン語, アフリカーンス語, アムハラ語, アラビア語, アルバニア語, アルメニア語, イタリア語, イディッシュ語, イボ語, インドネシア語, ウイグル語, ウェールズ語, ウクライナ語, ウズベク語, ウルドゥ語, エストニア語, エスペラント語, オランダ語, オリヤ語, カザフ語, カタルーニャ語, カンナダ語, ガリシア語, キニヤルワンダ語, キルギス語, ギリシャ語, クメール語, クリンゴン, クルド語, クロアチア語, グジャラト語, コルシカ語, コーサ語, サモア語, ショナ語, シンド語, シンハラ語, ジャワ語, ジョージア(グルジア)語, スウェーデン語, スコットランド ゲール語, スペイン語, スロバキア語, スロベニア語, スワヒリ語, スンダ語, ズールー語, セブアノ語, セルビア語, ソト語, ソマリ語, タイ語, タガログ語, タジク語, タタール語, タミル語, チェコ語, チェワ語, テルグ語, デンマーク語, トルクメン語, トルコ語, ドイツ語, ネパール語, ノルウェー語, ハイチ語, ハウサ語, ハワイ語, ハンガリー語, バスク語, パシュト語, パンジャブ語, ヒンディー語, フィンランド語, フランス語, フリジア語, ブルガリア語, ヘブライ語, ベトナム語, ベラルーシ語, ベンガル語, ペルシャ語, ボスニア語, ポルトガル語, ポーランド語, マオリ語, マケドニア語, マラガシ語, マラヤーラム語, マラーティー語, マルタ語, マレー語, ミャンマー語, モンゴル語, モン語, ヨルバ語, ラオ語, ラテン語, ラトビア語, リトアニア語, ルクセンブルク語, ルーマニア語, ロシア語, 中国語, 日本語, 繁体字中国語, 英語, 言語を検出する, 韓国語, 言語翻訳.

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