I fiskeriloven er der hjemmel til at oprette produktionsafgiftsfonde i翻訳 - I fiskeriloven er der hjemmel til at oprette produktionsafgiftsfonde i英語言う方法

I fiskeriloven er der hjemmel til a

I fiskeriloven er der hjemmel til at oprette produktionsafgiftsfonde inden for fiskeriområdet. Disse fondsmidler kan anvendes til finansiering af aktiviteter inden for formålene:
 Fiskepleje
 Forbedring og tilpasning af fiskeri- og akvakulturstrukturer
 Rådgivning
 Uddannelse
 Sygdomsforebyggelse
 Sygdomsbekæmpelse
 Kontrol samt erhvervsøkonomiske foranstaltninger, herunder afsætningsfremme,
forskningsprojekter og forsøg, som er i fiskerierhvervets interesse.
 Der kan ydes støtte til andre særlige aktiviteter, der godkendes af miljø– og
Figur 2.3. viser udviklingen i fondenes samlede udgifter til aktiviteter fordelt på formål i årene 2010-2014. En mere detaljeret oversigt over de enkelte fondes udgifter til aktiviteter fordelt på formål i 2014 kan ses i tabel 3.2.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
In the fisheries law, there is a legal basis for creating produktionsafgifts funds within the fisheries sector. These funds can be used to finance activities within the objectives: Fish care Improvement and adjustment of fishing and aquaculture structures Advice Training prophylaxis disease control Control and business economic measures, including promotion,research projects and experiments which are in the interests of the fishing industry. eligible for other special activities that are approved by the environmental andthe Agriculture Minister.Figure 2.3. shows the development of the funds ' total cost of activities distributed on purpose in the years 2010-2014. A more detailed overview of the individual funds the costs of activities distributed on purpose in 2014 can be seen in table 3.2.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
The Fisheries Act is the basis for creating production levy funds within the fisheries sector. These funds can be used to finance activities within the objectives:
 Fish Care
 Improving and adapting fisheries and aquaculture structures
 Counseling
 Education
 Preventive
 Disease
 Control and business economic measures, including promotion,
research and trials, which are in the fishing industry interests.
 there can be provided for other specific activities approved by the environment and
food Minister.
Figure 2.3. shows the development of the Funds' total expenditure on activities by purpose in the years 2010-2014. A more detailed overview of each fund expenditure on activities by purpose in 2014 can be seen in Table 3.2.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
in the fisheries law is the basis to establish produktionsafgiftsfonde within fisheries. these funds can be used to finance the activities of the objectives:sealing surgical repairs fiskeplejesealing surgical repairs the improvement and adaptation of fisheries and aquaculture structuressealing surgical repairs advicesealing surgical repairs trainingsealing surgical repairs preventionsealing surgical repairs disease controlsealing surgical repairs control and economic measures, including promotion,research projects and experiments, which is in the interest.sealing surgical repairs that can be granted to other specific activities, approved by the miljø– andfødevareministeren.figure 2.3. shows the development of the total expenditure for activities by objective in the years 2010 to 2014. a more detailed overview of the individual funds expenditure for activities by objective in 2014 can be seen in table 3.2.
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