Registreringen af indtægter og udgifter vedr. tilskudsfinansierede akt翻訳 - Registreringen af indtægter og udgifter vedr. tilskudsfinansierede akt英語言う方法

Registreringen af indtægter og udgi

Registreringen af indtægter og udgifter vedr. tilskudsfinansierede aktiviteter sker på tilhørende bankkonti og påvirker ikke styrelsens økonomiske resultat.

4.5 Forelagte investeringer
Der er ikke i 2015 eller tidligere finansår forelagt investeringsprojekter for Finansudvalget, hvor der kræves særskilt afrapportering.

4.6 Bilag vedrørende faglig rapportering af Mål- og resultatplanen for 2015

Styrelsen for Forskning og Innovation indgik en Mål- og resultatplan for 2015 med departementet i Uddannelses- og Forskningsministeriet med i alt 15 aktiviteter grupperet på otte indsatsområder. Nedenstående tabel viser målopfyldelsen på de 15 aktiviteter sammen med en opgørelse af det anvendte ressourceforbrug.
Opgørelsen og fordelingen på de enkelte aktiviteter er foretaget som en skønsmæssig vurdering med udgangspunkt i tidsregistreringen og de effektive årsværk. Heri indgår ikke aktiviteter såsom kompetenceudvikling og andre HR-relaterede aktiviteter. Hjælpefunktioner, herunder ledelse, økonomi og jura, er skønsmæssigt fordelt på relevante mål.

1. Et velfungerende forsknings- og innovationssystem

2. Øget omsætning af viden til værdi

3. Adgang til den nyeste forskningsinfrastruktur

4. Ansvarlig forskning

5. Øget internationalisering af dansk forskning og innovation

6. Øget viden om resultater og effekter af dansk forskning og innovation

7. Opbakning til forskning og innovation

8. Optimering af styrelsens udmøntning af bevillinger
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
The recording of income and expenditure. grant funded activities happening on its bank accounts and does not affect the Agency's economic performance.4.5 Proposed investments There are no in 2015 or earlier fiscal year presented investment projects for the Finance Committee, which requires separate reporting.4.6 Annex concerning professional reporting of targets and results plan for 2015 Agency for Research and Innovation entered into a Goal and performance level for 2015 with the Department in the Ministry of education and research with a total of 15 activities grouped on eight areas of action. The table below shows the corrective action on the 15 activities, together with an inventory of the used resource consumption.Inventory and distribution on the individual activities are carried out as a discretion on the basis of time recording and the efficient employees. This includes not activities such as skills development and other HR-related activities. Ancillary services, including management, economics and law, is estimated to spread across relevant objectives.1. The proper functioning of the research and innovation system2. Increased circulation of knowledge for value3. Access to the latest research infrastructure4. Responsible research5. Increased internationalisation of Danish research and innovation6. A better understanding of the results and effects of Danish research and innovation7. Support for research and innovation8. Optimization of the Agency's implementation of appropriations
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]

The recording of revenues and expenses incidental. subsidized activities happening on the corresponding bank accounts and does not affect the Agency's financial results.

4.5 Presented investments
are not in 2015 or previous fiscal year presented investment projects to the Finance Committee, which requires separate reporting.

4.6 Documents relating to professional reporting of Target and performance plan for 2015

Agency for Research and Innovation signed a Target and performance plan for 2015 with the department of Education and the Ministry of Research with a total of 15 activities grouped in eight fields of action. The table below shows the target achievement of the 15 activities, together with an inventory of the resources used.
This balance, and the breakdown by activities is conducted as an estimate based on the record of the time and the effective FTEs. This does not include activities such as skills development and other HR-related activities. Utilities, including management, economics and law, is estimated to spread over the relevant target.

First A well-functioning research and innovation system

second Increased transforming knowledge into value

third Access to the latest research infrastructure

4th Responsible research

5th Increased internationalization of Danish research and innovation

6th Increased knowledge about the results and effects of Danish research and innovation

7th Support for research and innovation

eighth Optimizing Agency implementation of appropriations
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
the recording of revenue and expenditure of tilskudsfinansierede activities is related bank accounts and not affect the economic outcome.4.5 submitted investmentthere is no in 2015 or earlier financial years presented investment projects for the finance committee, which require separate reporting.4.6 annex concerning professional reporting of target and resultatplanen for 2015the research and innovation made a goal - and resultatplan for 2015 with the department of the ministry of education and research, with a total of 15 activities grouped in eight areas. the table below shows the achievements of the 15 activities, together with a statement of the used resources.the calculation and allocation of the individual activities are carried out as an estimation based on tidsregistreringen and the effective equivalents. this does not include activities such as skills development and other hr related activities. ancillary services, including management, economics and law, is estimated by the relevant targets.1. a functioning research and innovation system2. increased turnover of knowledge value3. access to the latest research infrastructure4. responsible research5. increased internationalisation of danish research and innovation6. increased knowledge of results and effects of danish research and innovation7. support for research and innovation8. optimization of the implementation of appropriations
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