Mål 5 – Øget internationalisering af dansk forskning og innovation: Øg翻訳 - Mål 5 – Øget internationalisering af dansk forskning og innovation: Øg英語言う方法

Mål 5 – Øget internationalisering a

Mål 5 – Øget internationalisering af dansk forskning og innovation: Øget adgang til international viden, internationale samarbejdspartnere og globale netværk.

Styrelsen har bl.a. gennem rådgivning medvirket til dansk hjemtag i det europæiske forskningsprogram Horizon 2020, foretaget evaluering af innovationscenter og effektmålinger af EU’s rammeprogrammer, indgået samarbejdsaftaler med diverse lande og bidraget til varetagelsen af det danske formandskab i Nordisk Ministerråd i 2015.

Mål 6 – Øget viden om resultater og effekter af dansk forskning og innovation: Udbygge viden om resultater og effekter af dansk forskning og innovation.

Der er tilvejebragt yderligere dokumentation og viden om forskning og innovation i Danmark gennem 9 konkrete publikationer, der bl.a. viser resultater og effekter af dansk forskning samt evaluerer og analyser dansk deltagelse i internationalt forskningssamarbejde.

Mål 7 – Opbakning til forskning og innovation: Styrelsen skal sikre forståelse for og opbakning til forskning og innovation.

Kendskabet til forskning og innovation er øget gennem afholdelse af Forskningens Døgn og EliteForsk-konferencen.

Mål 8 – Optimering af styrelsens udmøntning af bevillinger: Udmøntning af midler fra styrelsen foregår professionelt og effektivt.Der er i arbejdet med professionel og effektiv håndtering og udmøntning af bevillinger, herunder bl.a. foretaget regelforenkling for universiteterne samt implementeret flere nye funktioner i det tilskudsadministrative system.

I bilag 4.6 er alle otte indsatsområder med beskrivelse af de 15 aktiviteter og gennemførte handlinger beskrevet mere detaljeret.

2.5 Forventninger til det kommende år

Der er på finansloven for 2016 opført en udgiftsbevilling på i alt 172,4 mio. kr. under § 19.11.03. Styrelsen for Forskning og Innovation. Hertil forventes tillægsbevillinger på i alt 24,2 mio. kr. i 2016, som primært vedrører drift og videreudvikling af det tilskudsadministrative system (9,4 mio. kr.), de nye myndighedsopgaver på rumområdet (7,0 mio. kr.) og administration af forskningsinitiativer (6,7 mio. kr.).

Herudover forventes der indtægter på 4,8 mio. kr. fra indtægtsdækkende virksomhed og tilskudsfinansierede aktiviteter.

Samlet set balancerer budgettet for 2016.

Tabel 5. Forventninger til det kommende år

Styrelsen har til opgave at sikre, at Danmark fortsat er en af verdens førende forskningsnationer. Det indebærer ikke mindst en effektiv udnyttelse af de offentlige investeringer i forskning, teknologiudvikling og innovation i forhold til kvalitet og relevans. Det kommende år vil styrelsen især arbejde for at opfylde følgende ti konkrete mål:
- Analyser om samfundseffekt af forskning og innovation
- Kvalitet i forskning
- Adgang til avanceret forskningsinfrastruktur
- Styrket videnbro og øget kommercialisering
- Styrket tilsyn
- Internationalisering af dansk forskning
- Øget fokus på det ydre rum
- Åben og ansvarlig forskning
- Formidling af viden og inddragelse af interessenter
- Administration og afbureaukratisering
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Goal 5 – Increased internationalisation of Danish research and innovation: Increased access to international expertise, international partners and global network.The Agency has, inter alia, through advice contributed to the Danish take home in the European research programme Horizon 2020, made the evaluation of innovation center and power measurements of the EU's framework programmes, concluded cooperation agreements with various countries and contributed to the performance of the Danish Presidency in the Nordic Council of Ministers in 2015.Goal 6 – a better understanding of the results and effects of Danish research and innovation: Develop knowledge of results and effects of Danish research and innovation.Obtained additional documentation and knowledge of research and innovation in Denmark through 9 concrete publications, which, among other things. showing results and effects of Danish research and evaluates and analyses Danish participation in international research cooperation.Goal 7 – support for research and innovation: the Agency must ensure understanding of and support for research and innovation.Knowledge of research and innovation is enhanced through the Organization of the Festival of research and eliteforsk Conference.Goal 8 – optimization of the Agency's implementation of appropriations: Implementation of funds from the Agency is carried out professionally and efficiently. There is in the work with professional and effective management and implementation of appropriations, including, inter alia, made simplification for universities as well as implemented several new features in the grant administrative system.In annex 4.6 is all eight fields of action with the description of the 15 activities and carried out actions described in more detail.2.5 expectations for the coming year Who is on the finance bill for 2016 listed an expense appropriation totalling 172.4 million. DKK under § 19.11.03. Agency for Research and Innovation. Add to this the expected additional appropriations totalling 24.2 million. USD in 2016, which primarily concern the operation and further development of the reimbursement administrative system (9.4 million USD), the new authority's tasks in the field of space (7.0 million DKK) and administration of research initiatives (6.7 million DKK).In addition, the expected revenue at 4.8 mio. DKK from revenue-wide business and grant-funded activities.Overall, the balanced budget by 2016. Table 5. Expectations for the coming yearAgency tasked with ensuring that Denmark remains one of the world's leading research Nations. It does not imply at least an efficient use of public investment in research, technology development and innovation in relation to quality and relevance. The coming year will mainly work to meet the following agency ten concrete objectives:Analysis on the social effect of research and innovation-Quality in research-Access to advanced research infrastructure-Strengthened videnbro and increased commercialization-Strengthened supervision-Internationalisation of Danish research-Increased focus on outer space-Open and responsible research-Dissemination of knowledge and involvement of stakeholders-Administration and red tape
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Goal 5 - Increased internationalization of Danish research and innovation: Increased access to international knowledge, international partners and global networks.

Particular, it has through counseling helped Danish take-up in the European research program Horizon 2020 made ​​evaluation of the innovation center and the power measurements of the EU's Framework Programmes, signed cooperation agreements with various countries and contributed to the performance of the Danish Presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers in 2015.

Goal 6 - Improve the knowledge of results and effects of Danish research and innovation: Develop knowledge of the results and effects of Danish research and innovation.

there is provided further documentation and knowledge of research and innovation in Denmark through 9 specific publications include Results and effects of Danish research evaluates and analyzes Danish participation in international research.

Goal 7 - Support for research and innovation: the Agency is to ensure understanding of and commitment to research and innovation.

Knowledge of research and innovation is enhanced by organizing the Festival of Research and Elite Research Conference.

Goal 8 - Optimizing the Board's allocation of appropriations: Allocation of funds from the agency conducted professionally and effektivt.Der is working with professional and effective management and implementation of appropriations, including made the simplification of rules for universities and implemented several new features in the grants administration system.

In Annex 4.6 are all eight areas with a description of the 15 activities and completed the actions described in more detail.

2.5 Prospects for the coming year

is the Finance Act for 2016 included an expense appropriation of a total of 172.4 million. kr. under § 19.11.03. Danish Agency for Science and Innovation. In expected additional appropriations totaling 24.2 million. kr. in 2016, which primarily related to the operation and further development of the grants administration system (9.4 million. kr.), the new official tasks on space (7.0 million. kr.) and administration of research initiatives (6.7 million. kr .).

in addition, projects revenues of 4.8 million. kr. from-financing business and subsidized activities.

Overall, balancing the budget for 2016.

Table 5. Outlook for the year ahead

Agency has the task of ensuring that Denmark remains one of the world's leading research nations. It implies in particular the efficient use of public investment in research, technology and innovation in terms of quality and relevance. The next few years the Agency will especially work to meet the following three specific objectives:
- Analyze the community impact of research and innovation
- Quality of research
- access to advanced research infrastructure
- Strengthened videnbro and increased commercialization
- Strengthened supervision
- internationalization of Danish research
- Increased focus on outer space
- Open and responsible research
- Dissemination of knowledge and involvement of stakeholders
- Administration and cutting red tape
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
goal 5 - increased internationalisation of danish research and innovation: increased access to international knowledge, international partners and global networks.the board has, through, inter alia, advice contributed to the danish hjemtag in the european research programme horizon 2020, carried out evaluation of innovation and power measurements of the eu framework programmes concluded cooperation agreements with various countries and contributed to the performance of the danish presidency, the nordic council of ministers in 2015.goal 6 - increased knowledge of results and effects of danish research and innovation: developing knowledge of results and effects of danish research and innovation.there is provided additional evidence and knowledge on research and innovation in denmark through 9 specific publications, which, among other things, shows the results and effects of danish research and evaluates and analyses danish participation in international research cooperation.goal 7 - support for research and innovation: the board should ensure understanding of, and support for research and innovation.awareness of research and innovation is increased through the organisation of the hours and eliteforsk conference.objective 8 - optimising the implementation of appropriations: the implementation of funds from the board"s professional and effective. there are in the work of professional and efficient management and implementation of appropriations, including, inter alia, made demand for universities and implemented several new functions in the tilskudsadministrative system.in annex 4.6 all eight priority areas, with description of the 15 activities and implemented actions described in more detail.2.5 the expectations for the coming yearthere is in the finance act for 2016 included an expenditure allowance totalling 172,4 million. kr under section 19.11.03. the research and innovation. this expected additional appropriations totalling 24.2 million. dkr. in 2016, which mainly relates to the operation and development of the tilskudsadministrative system (9,4 million. dkr), the new statutory tasks in space (7.0 million. dkr) and administration of research initiatives (6.7 million. dkr).in addition, the expected income of 4.8 million. kr from indtægtsdækkende company and tilskudsfinansierede activities.overall, balanced the budget for 2016.table 5. expectations for the coming yearthe board has the responsibility to ensure that denmark is still one of the world"s leading forskningsnationer. it does not include at least one efficient use of public investment in research, technological development and innovation, in relation to the quality and relevance. the coming year will the board particularly work to meet the following ten specific objectives:analysis on samfundseffekt of research and innovationthe quality of research- access to advanced research infrastructurereinforced videnbro and increased commercialisation- strengthened supervision- internationalisation of danish research- increased focus on outer space- open and responsible research- the dissemination of knowledge and involvement of stakeholdersadministration and deregulation
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