Odense Kommunes seniorlivspolitik består afen bred vifte af målsætning翻訳 - Odense Kommunes seniorlivspolitik består afen bred vifte af målsætning英語言う方法

Odense Kommunes seniorlivspolitik b

Odense Kommunes seniorlivspolitik består af
en bred vifte af målsætninger, som omfatter
vidt forskellige indsatsområder og tilbud til
kommunens seniorer. Seniorlivspolitikken
afspejler det meget sammensatte billede,
der tegner sig af fremtidens seniorer, og skal
således ses som Odense Kommunes svar på
den aktuelle udvikling i samfundet og de
udfordringer, som den medfører.
Det er især forventningerne om et generelt
bedre helbred samt flere økonomiske og sociale
ressourcer, som tegner et billede af en ny
generation med helt andre forudsætninger og
bedre muligheder. Behov og efterspørgsel vil
dog være vidt forskellig fra person til person,
og seniorlivspolitikken er med til at udvikle
rammerne, der muliggør det gode seniorliv
- for alle.
Fremtidens udfordringer mødes med åbenhed
og et ønske om at udvikle fleksible servicetilbud
med afsæt i borgernes egne ønsker
og behov samt medarbejdernes faglighed.
Seniorlivspolitikken understøtter borgernes
ret til med- og selvbestemmelse, men samtidig
er der en forventning om, at borgerne
selv tager ansvar for at skabe et godt seniorliv.
Odense Kommune ønsker med seniorlivspolitikken
at understøtte borgernes egne
ressourcer og muligheder samt at skabe et
sikkerhedsnet under de borgere, som har
behov for hjælp og støtte.
Seniorlivspolitikken består af en række delpolitikker,
der hver især dækker væsentlige
kommunale indsatsområder i forhold til
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Municipality of Odense senior life policy consists ofa wide range of objectives, which includewidely differing fields of action and offer tothe municipality's seniors. Senior life policyreflects the very composite image,accounting of future seniors and mustbe seen as a response to the municipality of Odensecurrent developments in society and thechallenges it entails.In particular it is expectations of a Generalbetter health and more economic and socialresources, which paints a picture of a newgeneration with completely different assumptions andbetter opportunities. Needs and demand willHowever, be very different from person to person,and senior life policy is to developthe framework that enables the good seniorliv-for all.Future challenges meet with opennessand a desire to develop flexible service offeringsbased on the citizens ' own wishesand needs as well as your employees ' professionalism.Senior life policy supports citizens 'entitled to with-and self-determination, but at the same timeis there an expectation that citizenseven takes responsibility for creating a good seniorliv.Odense Municipality wants with senior life policyto support citizens ' ownresources and opportunities as well as to create asafety net under the citizens who haveneed help and support.Senior life policy consists of a series of sectorial policies,each covering essentialmunicipal areas of action in relation to
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Odense Municipality's senior life policy consists of
a variety of objectives, which include
different areas and offer to
the municipality seniors. Senior Life policy
reflects the very complex picture,
which represents the future of seniors, and must
be seen as Odense Municipality's response to
current developments in society and the
challenges that it entails.
It is especially expectations for an overall
improved health and economic and social ones
resources, which paints a picture of a new
generation with totally different conditions and
better opportunities. The need and demand
will, however, be very different from person to person,
and senior life policy is to develop
a framework that allows the good senior life
- for everyone.
Future challenges are met with openness
and a desire to develop flexible service offerings
address citizens' own wishes
and needs and employees' professionalism.
Senior Life policy supports citizens'
right to co- and self-determination, but at the same time
there is an expectation that individuals
take responsibility for creating a good seniorliv.
Odense want with senior life policy
to support citizens' own
resources and opportunities and to create a
safety net for those citizens who
need help and support.
Senior Life policy consists of a series of individual policies,
each covering essential
municipal areas compared to
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
odense municipality seniorlivspolitik consists ofa wide range of objectives, which includeas different areas and offer tothe municipality's seniors. seniorlivspolitikkenreflects the very composite pictureaccounting of the seniors, and shallbe seen as odense municipality answerthe current development of the society and thechallenges that it entails.in particular, it is the expectation of a generalbetter health and more economic and socialresources, which paints a picture of a newgeneration with different assumptions andbetter opportunities. need and demand willhowever, differ widely from person to personand seniorlivspolitikken is to developthe framework, which allows good seniorliv- for all.the challenges of the future meet with transparencyand a desire to develop flexible servicesbased on people's own wishand needs as well as the professionalism.seniorlivspolitikken supports citizensthe right to self-determination and, but at the same timethere is an expectation that peopletake responsibility to create a good seniorliv.odense municipality is with seniorlivspolitikkento support their ownresources and opportunities and to create aa safety net under the citizens who haveneed of help and support.seniorlivspolitikken consists of a number of sectorial policies,each covering materialmunicipal priorities in relation to
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