Jeg tror, at de er seriøst interesserede og talte også med Mr Old Akit翻訳 - Jeg tror, at de er seriøst interesserede og talte også med Mr Old Akit英語言う方法

Jeg tror, at de er seriøst interess

Jeg tror, at de er seriøst interesserede og talte også med Mr Old Akita i Atlanta.

De kan næsten heller ikke komme uden om os længere med alt de vi har gjort for dem.

Nabel tror jeg ikke er en "konkurrent" i denne sag, idet de kun laver mindre gradere, men man kender selvfølgelig ikke hvad Nabel gør for at holde på kunden.

Jeg mere bange for Moba med Ernst familien.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
I think that they are seriously interested and also spoke with Mr. Old Akita in Atlanta.They can almost do not get around us anymore with all those we have done for them.Nabel I don't think is a "competitor" in this case, since they only make less graders, but we know of course not what Nabel doing to hold on to the customer.I am more afraid of Moba with Ernst family.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
I think they are seriously interested and also spoke with Mr. Old Akita in Atlanta. They almost did not get around us anymore with all the we have done for them. Nabel I do not think is a "competitor" in this case, since they only make minor graders, but you know of course not what Nabel do to keep the customer. I am more afraid of Moba with Ernst family.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
I think that they are seriously interested, and also spoke to Mr Old Akita in Atlanta.

you can almost not even come out on us longer with all the we have done for them.

Nabel I believe is not a "competitor" in this case, since the only makes less graders, but we of course know what not what Nabel is doing to maintain the customer.

I am more afraid of Moba with Ernst family.
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