Der forventes, at ovennævnte reservationer anvendes inden udgangen af 翻訳 - Der forventes, at ovennævnte reservationer anvendes inden udgangen af 英語言う方法

Der forventes, at ovennævnte reserv

Der forventes, at ovennævnte reservationer anvendes inden udgangen af 2016. Såfremt reservationerne ikke anvendes i 2016, vil de blive opgjort som en del af styrelsens overførte overskud, da der fra 2016 ikke længere skal foretages reservationer i regnskabet, jf. Budgetvejledningen for 2016, I.2.

2.3 Kerneopgaver og ressourcer

2.3.1 Opgaver og ressourcer: Skematisk oversigt
På finansloven for 2015 var der fire hovedopgaver samt Hjælpefunktioner samt generel ledelse og administration. Hovedopgaverne er defineret og beskrevet på finansloven og fremgår også af afsnit 2.1 Præsentation af virksomheden.

Tabel 3. Sammenfatning af økonomi for styrelsens opgaver

I tabellen ovenfor er indtægter, omkostninger og overskud fordelt på de enkelte hovedopgaver på baggrund af en skønsmæssig vurdering.
Målrapportering 2.4
2.4.1 Målrapportering 1.del: skematisk oversigt
Årets mål er formuleret i Mål- og resultatplanen for 2015 med Uddannelses- og Forskningsministeriets departement og indeholder i alt otte indsatsområder for 2015.
Mål- og resultatplanen er udarbejdet efter Finansministeriets retningslinjer i ’Strategisk styring med resultater i fokus’ og er indgået inden for rammerne af Uddannelses- og Forskningsministeriets koncernfælles sigtelinjer, mission og vision. Mål- og resultatplanen er defineret i relation til det strategiske målbillede med et sigte om at skabe stadig bedre forudsætninger og rammer for forskning og innovation til gavn for samfundet. Der er udvalgt otte indsatsområder inden for styrelsens hovedopgaver, som er beskrevet i mål, effekt samt aktivitet, og konkret er der opstillet 15 bredt formulerede aktiviteter.
Alle 15 aktiviteter er gennemført i 2015 og omfatter i praksis flere forskellige konkrete tiltag og handlinger i løbet af året, der bidrager til den overordnede målopfyldelse.
De konkrete aktiviteter og tilhørende handlinger for de enkelte indsatsområder i Mål- og resultatplanen er sammen med en opgørelse af anvendt ressourceforbrug til målopfyldelse opgjort i bilag 4.6.

Tabel 4. Årets resultatopfyldelse

2.4.2 Målrapportering 2. del: uddybende analyser og vurderinger
Styrelsen har sammen med departementet opgjort Mål- og resultatplanen for 2015 og begge vurderer resultatet som tilfredsstillende.
Definitionen og opbygningen af Mål- og resultatplanen for 2015 gør, at alle otte mål er højt prioriterede indsatsområder som beskrevet nedenfor:

Mål 1 – Et velfungerende forsknings- og innovationssystem: Effektiv udnyttelse af statens midler til forskning, teknologiudvikling og innovation.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Is expected that the aforementioned reservations shall be used before the end of 2016. If reservations are not used in 2016, they will be assessed as part of the Agency's transferred profits from 2016, since there no longer to be made reservations in the accounts referred to in article 6. Budget instructions for 2016, i. 2.2.3 Core tasks and resources2.3.1 tasks and resources: Schematic overviewOn the finance bill for the year 2015, there were four main tasks as well as ancillary services as well as general management and administration. The main tasks are defined and described in the Finance Act and is also clear from section 2.1 Presentation of the company.Table 3. Summary of Economics of the Agency's tasksIn the table above, revenues, costs and profits are distributed at each of the main tasks on the basis of a discretionary assessment.Report goals report goals part 1: schematic overviewThis year's objectives are formulated in the Objectives and performance plan for 2015 with the Ministry of education and Research Department and contains a total of eight fields of action for 2015.Goals and performance plan is drawn up after the Ministry of finance guidelines in ' Strategic management with results in focus ' and concluded in the framework of the education and Research Ministry's group-wide sight lines, mission and vision. Goals and performance plan is defined in relation to the strategic target image with an aim to create still better conditions and environment for research and innovation for the benefit of society. Selected eight areas of action within the Agency's main tasks, as described in the objectives, impact and activity, and specifically sets out 15 discretionary activities.All 15 activities are implemented in 2015 and encompasses in practice several different concrete measures and actions in the course of the year, contributing to the overall objectives.The specific activities and associated actions for individual fields of action in Goal and performance plan, along with an inventory of used resource consumption for effectiveness in terms of annex 4.6.Table 4. Profit for the fulfillment2.4.2 report goals 2. share: in-depth analyses and assessmentsAgency, together with the Department measured Targets and performance plan for 2015 and both assess the result as satisfactory.The definition and construction of Objectives and performance plan for 2015 makes that all eight goals are high priorities, as described below:Objective 1 – A well functioning research and innovation system: efficient use of State funds for research, technology development and innovation.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
It is expected that the above reservations, used before the end of 2016. If reservations are not used in 2016, they will be counted as part of the Agency's retained earnings, as of 2016 no longer to be made ​​reservations in the accounts referred to. Budget Guidelines for 2016 In 0.2.

2.3 core tasks and resources

2.3.1 tasks and resources: Schematic
the Finance Act for 2015, there were four main tasks and Utilities as well as general management and administration. The main tasks are defined and described in the Finance and confirmed by Section 2.1 Presentation of the business.

Table 3. Summary of the economy for the Agency's tasks

in the table above, income, expenses and profits distributed on each of the main tasks on the basis of an estimate.
Performance reporting 2.4
2.4 0.1 performance reporting 1st side: schematic overview
This year's goal is formulated in target and performance plan for 2015 with the Education and Research department of the Ministry and includes a total of eight focus areas for 2015.
the performance plan is prepared by the Ministry of Finance guidelines on 'Strategic management with results in focus' and concluded within the framework of the Education and Research Ministry's consolidated joint orientations, mission and vision. Target and performance plan is defined in relation to the strategic target image with an aim to create still better conditions and environment for research and innovation for the benefit of society. Selected eight priority within the agency's main tasks described in goals, power and activity, and specifically sets out 15 broad activities.
All 15 activities are completed in 2015 and includes in practice several concrete measures and actions over year, contributing to the overall goal achievement.
the specific activities and associated actions for each action in Target and performance plan, together with an inventory of used resources for achievement of objectives stated in Annex 4.6.

Table 4. Net profit performance

2.4.2 performance reporting second part: depth analyzes and assessments
Agency, together with the department calculated target and performance plan for 2015 and both consider the result satisfactory.
the definition and structure of target and performance plan for 2015 means that all eight goals are priority areas as described below:

Measure 1 - A thriving research and innovation system: Effective use of state funds for research, technology development and innovation.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
it is expected that the above reservations used before the end of 2016. if reservations are not used in 2016, they will be presented as part of the retained earnings, as from 2016 should be no more reservations in the accounts, see. budget guidelines for the year 2016, i.2.2.3 core tasks and resources2.3.1 tasks and resources: schematic overviewin the finance act for 2015, there were four main tasks and ancillary services, and general management and administration. the main tasks are defined and described in the budget and is also shown in section 2.1, presentation of the company.table 3. summary of economy of administration tasksin the table above is revenue, costs and profits distributed to each task on the basis of the assessment.målrapportering målrapportering 1.del: schematic overviewthe objectives formulated in the objectives and resultatplanen for 2015 with the training and forskningsministeriets department and contains a total of eight areas for 2015.objective and resultatplanen prepared according to the guidelines of "strategic governance results in focus" and concluded within the framework of the training and forskningsministeriets koncernfælles orientations, mission and vision. objective and resultatplanen are defined in relation to the strategic målbillede with an aim to create better conditions and framework for research and innovation for the benefit of society. we selected eight priority areas within the main tasks which are described in objective, efficacy and activity, and concrete is established 15 broad activities.all 15 activities implemented in 2015 and includes, in practice several concrete measures and actions during the year which contributes to the overall goal achievement.the specific activities and associated actions for individual areas in objective and resultatplanen is together with an inventory of used resources to the achievement of the objectives established in annex 4.6.table 4. the resultatopfyldelse2.4.2 målrapportering 2. part: detailed analyses and assessmentsthe board has, together with the department of quantified objectives and resultatplanen for 2015 and both assess the outcome as satisfactory.the definition and construction of goal - and resultatplanen for 2015, all eight goals are high priority areas, as described below:objective 1 - a functioning research and innovation system: efficient use of state funds for research, technological development and innovation.
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