we will here in this first newsletter of this year, a little late, but high say welcome back after Christmas and New Year holiday period. A special and a large welcome to all the new parents and children we have already taken in against this year.
Finally, we are not at least very pleased to welcome you all welcome to our new, large and beautiful rooms, which we are about to find out,How should look like and how they will be used. There are many ideas and it is important for us that it will be done right and for the benefit of all, large and small.
as far as the small we know so far, that when we get to 1 May, there will be 37 vuggestuebørn.
as far as the big we know for sure that the from around mid-March will be:
Tukanen: Jonathan, Josephine and Jitendra Søslangen: Charlotte,Stine and Nadia (stops 31/3) Small Lion: Jason and Maria
to be so good in time with the days as possible, we have a few practical information and would:
every day we are going to hold a small meeting and eating fruit between 8.45 and 9.15. Children are stuck together in three groups. We sing some songs and eat fruit and bread. A cozy moment for both children and adults, which is to provide you with a good,Quiet and for the kids known start to the day.
we would therefore recommend that, in so far as it is possible, do not deliver in the period between 8.45 and 9.15 a.m. or thereabouts, because it interferes with samlingsstunden, if an adult has to go off to say good morning to a new child.
we would like to see in handing over either before or after, so that it becomes both a better return for the child,There will be and the more quiet collection of all of the other.
a little more from the practical section 1:
each child must have 2 teats with name of landscape in the child's room in the bathroom. There should also always be two complete set spare clothing. (Bodystocking, socks, etc. )
I is very vekomne to come to us if you have any questions. In the hope of a good cooperation in the new surroundings.The best forårshilsner.
staff belongs.