Hvis du ikke er hjemme når din pakke bliver leveretSkulle du ikke lige翻訳 - Hvis du ikke er hjemme når din pakke bliver leveretSkulle du ikke lige英語言う方法

Hvis du ikke er hjemme når din pakk

Hvis du ikke er hjemme når din pakke bliver leveret
Skulle du ikke lige være hjemme, når din pakke bliver leveret, vil fragtmanden lægge en pakkeseddel til dig. Hold derfor øje med denne pakkeseddel. Når du modtager en pakkeseddel, skal du hente din pakke inden fristen, fragtmanden har skrevet. Hvis du ikke har hentet din pakke inden da, vil den blive sendt retur til os.
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
If you are not at home when your package is deliveredShould you not be home when your package will be delivered, the carrier will add a packing slip to you. Team therefore eye with this packing slip. When you receive a packing slip, you must pick up your packet before the deadline, the carrier has written. If you haven't downloaded your package before then, it will be sent back to us.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
If you are not home when your package is delivered
Should not you just be home when your package is delivered, the carrier put a packing slip for you. Keep an eye on the packing slip. When you receive a packing slip, you must pick up your package within the deadline, the carrier has written. If you have not downloaded your package before then, it will be returned to us.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
if you are not home when your package will be deliveredyou shouldn"t just be home when your package will be delivered, delivery boy put a pakkeseddel for you. therefore, keep watching this pakkeseddel. when you receive a pakkeseddel, you must get your package within the time limit, the delivery boy wrote. if you don"t pick up your package before then, it will be shipped back to the us.
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