Bus 166-Detour in Egtved from 27/7 to 22/11. Vestergade closes.: Junction Vestergade/Dalgade will be closed from 27/7 up to and including 3/8. From 4/8 to 22/11 closed Vestergade from Dalgade to Kirkevej. Dalgade is open during this period. Route 111 runs from 27/7 to 22/11 ad Kirkevej and Ribevej. A permanent and a temporary stopping place used on Kirkevej at Mill Hill. Route 166 runs from 27/7 up to and including 3/8 ad Kirkevej-Ribevej-Vestergade-Bøgvadvej. A permanent and a temporary stopping place used on Kirkevej at Mill Hill. From 4/8 to 22/11 run through Dalgade. Use the temporary bus stops by and in front of the hotel. Route 210, serving from 27/7 to 22/11 towards Vejle a temporary stop on East Street, ca. by nr. 4 at the grocery store instead of Vestergade.