Borgeren føler sig tryg ved den pleje og
behandling, der modtages, - derfor skal:
• borgeren mødes af fagligt kompetente
ansatte på alle fagområder.
• indsatsen over for borgerne være fagligt
• ydelser leveres med respekt for borgerens
Seniorer skal sikres tilbud og aktiviteter,
som modvirker ensomhed og isolation,
- derfor skal:
• de seniorer, som af fysiske årsager har
svært ved at deltage i aktiviteter, have
hjælp, så de kan deltage, hvis de ønsker
• borgeren have hjælp til at skabe kontakt.
• der være tilbud i lokalområdet, hvor man
kan mødes, skabe netværk, og hvor der er
sundhedsfremmende aktiviteter.
The citizen feels comfortable with the care andtreatment received, therefore, must:-• the citizen meet by professionally competentemployees in all areas of expertise.• efforts to citizens be professionallydocumented.• services are provided with respect for the citizen'sright to self-determination.Seniors must be guaranteed deals and activities,which counteract loneliness and isolation,-must therefore:• the seniors, as by natural causes havefind it difficult to participate in activities, havehelp, so that they can participate if they wishit.• citizen have help to make contact.• there be bargains in the local area where youcan meet, create networks, and where there ishealth-promoting activities.

The citizen feels comfortable with the care and
treatment received, - therefore:
• citizen meeting of professionally competent
employees in all disciplines.
• effort for the public be professionally
• services delivered with respect for citizen's
Seniors must also be taken and activities,
which counteract loneliness and isolation
- therefore:
• the seniors who, for physical reasons,
find it difficult to participate in activities that have the
means, so they can participate if they want
• citizens need help to make contact .
• be offers in the local area, where you
can meet, create networks, and where there is
health promotion activities.