sense of direction menu # 11 - 11. - 14. augustcan vary from day to day, after the supply of raw materials- fasoli gino proseccocaprese on tomatoes from bakkegården and burrata from birkerødwhite languedocbeans of la francaise (only 8.15)- pouilly fumémy hollandaise and colors- orangevin from malagasalisbury steak with leeks and browned salviesmør- cheverny gamaycivilization with walnutsslovene malvasiasolbærlagkage- nice easy bubbling pink from saumurcoffee, hot ingefærinfusion and chocolatenon-alcoholic beveragesberries - tonickoldbrygget"d like some senchakombucha, you know with ginger and mintaronia / rabarberdrikkoldbrygget green rabarbertenice early grey kombucha, you know