Amo youghurtbrød er et franskbrød med ekstra smag, som er nemt at bage翻訳 - Amo youghurtbrød er et franskbrød med ekstra smag, som er nemt at bage英語言う方法

Amo youghurtbrød er et franskbrød m

Amo youghurtbrød er et franskbrød med ekstra smag, som er nemt at bage. Du skal tilsætte: 50 g grær, ca. 6 dl lunkent vand.
1. Rør dejen sammen: Opløs gæren i vandet. Tilsæt melblandingen. ælt dejen med røremaskine eller håndmixer ( brug dejkroge) på laveste hastighed i ca. 5 min.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
AMO youghurtbrød is a French bread with extra flavour, which is easy to bake. You must add: 50 g grær, ca. 6 dl lukewarm water.1. stir together the dough: Dissolve the yeast in the water. Add melblandingen. knead the dough with the mixer or hand mixer (use dough hooks) on the lowest speed in about 5 mins.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Amo yoghurt bread is a bread with extra flavor, which is easy to bake. You must add 50 g grær, ca. 6 dl lukewarm water.
1st Stir the dough: Dissolve the yeast in the water. Add the flour mixture. knead the dough with a mixer or hand mixer (use the dough hooks) at the lowest speed for about 5 min.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
amo youghurtbrød is a loaf of bread with extra flavor, which is easy to bake. you must add: 50 g grær approximately 6 dl lukewarm water.1. touch the dough: dissolve the yeast in the water. add melblandingen. pat the dough with mixer or håndmixer (use dough hooks) at the lowest speed in approximately 5 minutes.
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