Jeg har det fedeste værelse i København på 20 m2 plus egen altan i et 翻訳 - Jeg har det fedeste værelse i København på 20 m2 plus egen altan i et 英語言う方法

Jeg har det fedeste værelse i Køben

Jeg har det fedeste værelse i København på 20 m2 plus egen altan i et super attraktivt villaområde, der ligger 12 minutters cykling fra Københavns Hovedbanegård. Der er delebad og -køkken med min søster og mor. Og adgang til haven og vaskekælder osv.

Værelset står tomt, fordi jeg er flyttet til Århus og startet på AU. Her leder jeg efter fremleje af et kollegieværelse eller et værelse i et bofællesskab i det centrale Århus eller i det mindste i cykelafstand til universitetet.

Jeg er kun interesseret i henvendelser fra nogen med en bolig/værelse i Århus, der kan bytte bolig i en periode på et halvt år eller måske op til et år.

Are you searching for a room in Copenhagen AND do you have a vacancy in central Århus in Jutland? Please respect that we are only interested in contacts that include a room in Århus - or at least close enough to the University so I can get there by bike.
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
I have the coolest room in Copenhagen on 20 m2 plus private balconies in a super attractive villa area, there is a 12-minute cycling from Copenhagen Central station. There are shared baths and cooking with my sister and mother. And access to the garden and laundry room etc.The room stands empty because I have moved to Aarhus and started at AU. Here I'm looking after subletting a dorm room or a room in a shared flat in Central Århus or at least in the cycling distance to the University. I'm only interested in submissions from anyone with an accommodation/room in Århus, which can swap housing for a period of half a year or maybe up to a year.Are you searching for a room in Copenhagen AND do you have a vacancy in central Århus in Jutland? Please respect that we are only interested in contacts that include a room in Århus in order to least close enough to the University so I can get there by bike.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
I have the coolest room in Copenhagen on 20 m2 plus private balcony in a super attractive villa area which is 12 minutes by bike from Copenhagen Central Station. There is in the hall and -kitchen with my sister and mother. And access to the garden and laundry room and so on.

The room is empty, because I have moved to Aarhus and started at AU. Here I am looking for subletting a dorm room or a room in a shared flat in central Aarhus or at least within cycling distance of the university.

I am only interested in inquiries from anyone with a home / room in Aarhus, which can swap housing for a period in six months or even up to a year.

Are you searching for a room in Copenhagen aND do you be a vacancy in central Aarhus in Jutland? Please respectfull att we are only interested in contacts att include a room in Aarhus - or the least close enough til University so I can get there by bike.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
i have the coolest room in copenhagen on 20 m2 plus own balcony in a super attractive villaområde located 12 minute cycling from the copenhagen central station. there is delebad and kitchen with my sister and mother. and access to the garden and you have a laundry room and so on.the room is empty, because i moved to aarhus and started on au. here, i"m looking for subletting a dorm room or a room in a sharing a flat in central london or at least in cykelafstand to the university.i"m only interested in submissions from anyone with a housing / room in aarhus, which can switch housing in a period of half a year or perhaps up to a year.are you searching for a room in copenhagen and do you have a vacancy in central aarhus in jutland? please remember that we are only interested in contacts that include a room in aarhus - or at least close enough to the university, so i can get there by bike.
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