Ifølge adm. direktør John Theroux, Glycom, bliver den samlede invester翻訳 - Ifølge adm. direktør John Theroux, Glycom, bliver den samlede invester英語言う方法

Ifølge adm. direktør John Theroux,

Ifølge adm. direktør John Theroux, Glycom, bliver den samlede investering på mere end en halv mia. kr., og fabrikken, som ventes køreklar i anden halvdel af 2017, vil være den første kommercielle produktion i stor skala af HMO. Samtidig vil den føre et betydeligt antal nye arbejdspladser med sig. I dag beskæftiger fabrikken 43 ansatte - det tal vil ifølge direktøren tredobles til imod 150 medarbejdere - hovedsageligt højtuddannede.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
According to ceo John Theroux, Glycom, being the total investment of more than half a billion. DKK, and factory, which is expected to be ready in the second half by 2017, will be the first commercial production on a large scale by the HMO. At the same time it will lead a significant number of new jobs with it. Today, the factory employs 43 employees-the figure will be tripled to 150 employees, according to the Director against-mainly highly educated.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
According to Managing. Director John Theroux, Glycom, the total investment of more than half a billion. kr., and the factory, which is expected to run in the second half of 2017, will be the first commercial large scale production of HMO. At the same time it will lead a significant number of new jobs with them. Today employs factory 43 employees - the number, according to the Director triple to receive 150 employees - mainly highly educated.
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