Målene bliver realiseret gennem en lang række konkrete aktiviteter, de翻訳 - Målene bliver realiseret gennem en lang række konkrete aktiviteter, de英語言う方法

Målene bliver realiseret gennem en

Målene bliver realiseret gennem en lang række konkrete aktiviteter, der er nærmere beskrevet i Mål- og resultatplanen for 2016.

3. Regnskab

I dette afsnit redegøres for regnskabet for 2015 ved fremstilling af resultatopgørelsen og balancen. Afsnittet omfatter herudover opstillinger, der viser udnyttelsen af låneramme og lønsumsloft samt bevillingsregnskabet, som viser forbruget af årets bevillinger for den omkostningsbaserede hovedkonto §19.11.03.

Regnskabsafsnittet er disponeret på følgende måde:
— Beskrivelse af anvendt regnskabspraksis
— Resultatopgørelse
— Balance
— Egenkapitalforklaring
— Opfølgning på likviditetsordningen
— Opfølgning på lønsumsloft
— Bevillingsregnskabet
— Udgiftsbaserede hovedkonti

I forbindelse med udarbejdelsen af årsrapporten er der anvendt uddata fra
følgende systemer:
— Statens Koncern System (SKS)
— Navision Stat (NS)
— LDV – datavarehus til økonomisystemet NS og Statens Løn System
— Statens Budgetsystem (SB)

3.1 Anvendte regnskabspraksis

Den anvendte regnskabspraksis i årsrapporten 2015 er i overensstemmelse med statens regnskabsregler og principper, der fremgår af Regnskabsbekendtgørelsen og Finansministeriets Økonomisk Administrative Vejledning (www.modst.dk).

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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
The objectives will be realized through a variety of specific activities, which are detailed in the Targets and performance schedule for 2016.3. AccountsIn this section sets out the accounting for 2015 in the preparation of the profit and loss account and the balance sheet. The section includes, in addition, lists showing the utilization of lending facility and payroll ceiling, as well as budget accounts, showing the use of appropriations for the year the cost-based main account § 19.11.03.Accounting section is arranged as follows:— Description of the accounting policies— Income statement— Balance sheet— Equity explanation— Follow-up of the liquidity scheme— Follow-up on payroll ceiling— Budget accounts— Expense-based main accountsIn connection with the preparation of the annual report is used in the output fromthe following systems:— State Enterprise System (SKS)— Navision State (NS)— — Data warehouse for LDV economy system NS and the State Payroll System— The State Budget system (SB)3.1 accounting practiceThe accounting policies used in the annual report the year 2015 are in accordance with the State's accounting rules and principles set out in the notice of the accounting and Finance Ministry Economic Administrative Guidance (URwww.modst.dk).
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
The goals will be realized through a variety of specific activities detailed in Target and performance plan for 2016. The

third Accounting

This section sets out the accounts for 2015 in the preparation of the income statement and balance sheet. The section also comprise configurations showing the use of credit facilities and payroll ceiling and budget accounts showing consumption of the year's appropriations for the cost-based main account §19.11.03.

Accounting section is organized as follows:
- Description of accounting policies
- Income Statement
- Balance
- Changes in Equity
- Follow-up liquidity scheme
- Follow-up on the payroll cap
- Budgetary accounts
- Financial based main accounts

in the preparation of the annual report have been used output from
the following systems:
- State consolidated system (SKS)
- Navision Stat (NS)
- LDV - data warehouse to the accounting system NS and State payroll system
- State Budget System (SB)

3.1 applied accounting policies

the accounting policies applied in the annual Report 2015, in accordance with state accounting rules and principles established by the Financial Supervisory Authority and the Ministry of Finance Economic Administrative Instructions (www.modst.dk).

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
the objectives will be achieved through a variety of practical activities which are described in the objectives and resultatplanen for 2016.3. accountsthis section describes the accounts for the year 2015 in the manufacture of the profit and loss account and the balance sheet. in addition, the section includes tables showing the use of average and lønsumsloft and budgetary accounts, which shows the consumption of the appropriations for the cost based chapter section 19.11.03.regnskabsafsnittet committed as follows:description of accounting policies- profit and loss account- balance- egenkapitalforklaring- the follow-up to likviditetsordningen- the follow-up to lønsumsloft- the budgetary accounts- udgiftsbaserede farin connection with the preparation of the annual report is used the output fromthe following systems:the group system (made)- navision state (ns)- ldv - datavarehus to økonomisystemet ns and the salary system- the state budget system (sb)3.1 accounting policies usedthe accounting policies used in the annual report, 2015 in accordance with the accounting rules and principles established by regnskabsbekendtgørelsen and finance economic administrative guidance (www.modst.dk).
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