Vedr. Valdemar Jørgensen 250107-7103.
Jeg kan forstå, at I aldrig har modtaget min mail, som jeg oprindelig sendte den 20/10 2014.
Det er meget uheldigt, for der er et barn fanget i konflikt mellem forældrene.
Læs venligst neden for, og de vedlagte filer.
Siden jeg sendte mailen har jeg modtaget journaler fra kommunen, hvoraf fremgår, at faderen er kommet med en række påstande om Yuko om at hun er alkoholiker, vil bortføre barnet og den slags.
Intet af det har noget på sig, og jeg gør opmærksom på, at politiet har indkaldt faderen til afhøring og sigtelse, men at han indtil nu har vægret sig ved at komme.
Politiet har hørt optagelsen af volden, og er ikke i tvivl om, at den er alvorlig.
Sagsbehandler hos politiet kan kontaktes på
Jeg kan forstå, at der er indkaldt til møde den 6/11 2014 kl. 16. Jeg forslår, at vi fastholder mødet, men laver det om til et tværfagligt møde med deltagelse af børnesagkyndig.
Den 20/10-2014 skrev jeg flg og sendte i krypteret mail:
Som advokat for moderen Yuki Jørgensen 010970-3494 skal jeg hermed søge om fuld forældremyndighed og at Valdemar får midlertidig bopæl hos moderen med det samme.
Som det fremgår af det vedlagte, har forholdet forældrene imellem været dysfunktionelt gennem længere tid, hvilket endte voldeligt den 5. oktober d.å. Volden er optaget, idet Yuki frygtede for hvad der kunne ske, og gik rundt med en optager på sig.
Jeg vedlægger transcription af optagelsen, hvor man hører manden råbe og barnet bede for sin mor.
Mor er flyttet på krisecenter, men hun måtte flygte uden sit barn, der nu opholder sig hos faderen.
Hændelsen er anmeldt til politiet, og kommunen er underrettet, uden jeg i skrivende stund ved, hvad kommunen gør ved det. Sagsbehandler i kommunen er en Diana: .
Faderen er meget temperamentsfuld, og mor frygter for, hvad der sker med barnet, som har overværet volden, og må være fuld af bekymring for sin mor.
Faderen råber af mor og kalder hende alle mulige kedelige ting, ligesom han slår ud efter hende, og barnet har overværet det hele.
Familien har boet i LA, men måtte flytte, fordi forældrene fik forbud mod at komme på barnets skole, og faderen blev anmeldt for overgreb på sin søn. Der kørte en undersøgelse, der blev henlagt, men det blev umuligt at opretholde en tilværelse i LA, hvorfor familien flyttede til Dk.
Jeg vedlægger et bilag med min klients oplysninger om Valdemars opførsel og hans reaktioner på den adfærd faderen har og har haft over for moderen og ham. Valdemar lukker sig inde i sin egen verden både i skolen og hjemme, og skolen i LA oplyste, at han var bagud i forhold til resten af klassen.
Det er ikke sundt for barnet at bo hos faderen, og det er min opfattelse, at barnet hurtigst muligt må hen til moderen at bo.
Jeg skal anmode om at ansøgningen om midlertidig bopæl behandles på skriftligt grundlag, og at parterne efterfølgende indkaldes til møde med børnesagkyndig i Statsforvaltningen.
Jeg skal anmode om at det hemmeligholdes, hvor moderen opholder sig, ligesom parterne skal indkaldes til møde hver for sig.
Adj. Valdemar J 250107-7103. I can understand that I never received my email that I originally sent the 20/10 2014. It is very unfortunate, because there is a child trapped in the conflict between the parents.Please read below and the attached files.Since I sent the mail I have received records from the municipality, which States that the father has made a number of claims about Yuko that she is an alcoholic, will abduct the child and that sort of thing.None of it has anything on it, and I would remind you that police have summoned the father for questioning and criminal charges, but that he has until now shied to come.The police have heard the recording of violence, and have no doubt that it is serious.Caseworker with the police can be contacted at can understand that there are summoned to the meeting on 6/11/2014 at. 16. I suggest that we stick to the meeting, but make it into a multidisciplinary meeting with participation of child expert. The 20/10-2014 wrote I flg and sent in encrypted e-mail:As a lawyer for the mother Yuki J 010970-3494, I hereby apply for full custody, and domicile of the mother to Valdemar gets temporary right away. As evidenced by the attached, the relationship between the parents has been dysfunctional for a long time, which ended violently on 5. October 2003 Violence is recorded, since Yuki feared for what could happen, and went around with a recorder on it. I enclose the transcription of the recording, where you hear the man shouting and child pray for her mother. Mother is moved to a shelter, but she had to escape without her child, who now stays with his father. The incident is reported to the police, and the municipality is informed, without at the time of writing, I know what the municipality makes the officer in the municipality is a Diana: . The father is very temperamental, and mother in fear of what happens to the child, which has witnessed violence, and must be full of concern for her mother. The father shouts of mother and call her all sorts of tedious things like he turns out after her, and the child has witnessed it all. The family has lived in LA, but had to move because the parents were forbidden to come on your child's school, and the father was notified for assault on his son. Who ran a study that was filed, but it was impossible to maintain a life in LA, why the family moved to the Uk. I enclose a voucher with my client's information about Valdemar's behavior and his reactions to the behavior of the father has and has had over for the mother and him. Valdemar shut themselves inside his own world both at school and at home, and the school in LA indicated that he was lagging behind the rest of the class. It is not healthy for the child to live with the father, and it is my understanding that the child must as soon as possible to the mother to stay. I must request that the application for temporary residence are treated on writing the basis, and the Parties subsequently convened with children's expert in the State administration. I must request that it be kept secret, where the mother is staying, and the Parties shall be convened separately.

Subject. Valdemar Jørgensen 250107-7103. I understand that I never received my mail that I originally sent the 20/10 2014. It is very unfortunate, because there is a child caught in the conflict between the parents. Please read below and the attached files. Since I sent the mail I have received records from the municipality, which indicates that the father has made a number of allegations of Yuko that she is an alcoholic, will abduct the child and stuff. None of it has anything on them, and I would point out that the police have summoned the father for questioning and charges, but he has so far refused to come. Police have heard the recording of the violence, and is in no doubt that it is serious. Caseworker at police contacted at I can understand that there is summoned to the 6/11 2014 pm. 16. I propose that we maintain the meeting, but make it into a multidisciplinary meeting attended by child welfare. The 20/10-2014, I wrote the following and sent in encrypted mail: As a lawyer for the mother Yuki Jørgensen 010970-3494, I hereby apply for full custody and Valdemar get temporary residence of the mother with the same. As shown in the attached, the relationship between parents been dysfunctional for a long time, which ended violently on October 5 d.å. The violence recorded since Yuki feared what might happen, and walked around with a recorder on it. I enclose transcription of the recording where you hear the man scream and child pray for his mother. Mother is moved to a shelter, but she had to flee without her child, who is now staying with her father. The incident is reported to the police and the municipality is informed, without me in writing by what the municipality does to it. Caseworker of the municipality is a Diana:
. The father is very temperamental, and mother fears for what happens to the child who has witnessed the abuse and must be full of concern for her mother. The father shouts of mother and calling her all sorts of boring stuff, like he strikes out at her and the child has witnessed it all. The family lived in LA, but had to move because the parents were forbidden to come to the child's school, and the father was reported assault on his son. There ran a study that was shelved, but it was impossible to maintain a life in LA, so the family moved to Dk. I enclose an annex of my client's information about Valdemar's behavior and his reactions to the behavior of the father has, and has had to mother and him. Valdemar shuts himself up in his own world, both in school and at home and school in LA said that he was lagging behind the rest of the class. It is not healthy for the child to live with his father, and it is my opinion that the child must urgently to the mother to stay. I must request that the application for temporary residence is treated on a written basis, and the parties subsequently requested to meet child welfare in state administration. I must request that it be kept secret, where the mother lives, like parties to be convened separately.

For Valdemar Jørgensen 250107-7103.
I can understand, that I have never received my mail, which I was originally sent out on 20/10 2014.
It is very unfortunate because there is a child caught in conflict between parents.
please read below and the attached files.
since I sent mail I have received records from the municipality, which shows,The father has come up with a number of allegations of Yuko on that she is alcoholic, will abduct the child and the kind of.
none of it has nothing at the end of it, and I would like to point out that the police have called father of hearing and criminal charges, but that up until now he has to date refused to come.
The police have heard the recording of the violence, and have no doubt that it is serious.
Assignee of the police can be contacted at .
I can understand that there may be convened a meeting on 6/11 2014 07 16. I should like to propose that we hold the meeting, but will do it in a multi-disciplinary meeting with the participation of børnesagkyndig.
The 20/10-2014 I wrote the following and sent in encrypted mail:
As a lawyer for the mother Yuki Jørgensen 010970-3494, I hereby apply for full parental responsibility and to Valdemar get temporary residence with her mother with the same.
as it can be seen from the attached, has the relationship between parents was dysfunktionelt through longer, which ended up violent on 5 October this year. Violence is recorded, since Yuki feared for what could happen,And walked around with a recorder on it.
I enclose transcription tab of the recording, where we hear the man yelling and the child ask for his mother.
mother is moved in crisis center, but she had to flee without his child, who are now staying with their father.
The event is reported to the police, and the municipality is informed, without at the time of writing i know what the municipality makes of it.Assignee in the municipality of is a Diana: .
Father is very tempermental, and mother fear for what is happening to the child, which have witnessed violence, and must be full of concern for his mother.
Father shout at the mother and calling her all possible boring things, like he calls out after her, and the child has witnessed it all.
family has lived in LA,But had to move, because the parents were not allowed to come to your child's school, and father was notified of attacks on its Sun There was running a study, which was held in reserve, but it was impossible to maintain a life in LA, why the family moved to DK.
I enclose a voucher with my client's information on Valdemar's behavior and his reactions to the behavior the father has and has been on the mother and him. Valdemar closes in its own world both at school and at home, and the school in LA stated that he was behind in relation to the rest of the class.
it is not healthy for the child to stay with the father, and it is my view,To the child as soon as possible need to go to the mother to stay.
I would like to ask for the application for temporary residence are treated on basis in writing, and that the parties subsequently invited to meetings with børnesagkyndig in View.
I would like to ask that it be kept secret, where the mother is staying, as well as the parties shall be convened for a meeting each for itself.