Veterantog mangler godkendelse og må aflyse sæsonenVeterantoget mellem翻訳 - Veterantog mangler godkendelse og må aflyse sæsonenVeterantoget mellem英語言う方法

Veterantog mangler godkendelse og m

Veterantog mangler godkendelse og må aflyse sæsonen
Veterantoget mellem Vejle og Jelling er aflyst. Foreningen venter på Trafikstyrelsen
Af Henrik C. Sandvad
Et af de sikre sommertegn i Jelling og Vejle er, når Sydjyllands Veterantog SJVT begynder på deres årlige sommerkørsler med de gamle tog i juli og august.
I år kommer turister og lokale imidlertid til at kigge langt efter de smukke veterantog, for Sydjyllands Veterantog, som driver veterantoget, mangler en sik-kerhedstilladelse fra Trafikstyrelsen til at køre som selvstændig operatør.
SJVT har siden 1977 kørt veterantog mellem Vejle og Jelling, og siden 2010 har Sydjyllands Veterantog kørt under en sikkerhedsgodkendelse fra Danmarks Jernbanemuseum.
I 2013 blev SJVT udskilt fra Danmarks Jernbanemuseum, og den gamle operatørtilladelse blev afleveret. Siden har der været en proces i gang med på ny at blive godkendt som operatør.
Det er en langvarrig proces, der foregår i sparring med Trafikstyrelsen.
Ude af vores hænder
I 2014 kørte SJVT på en midlertidig ordning på Danmarks Jernbanemuseums sikkerhedsgodkendelse, men den ordning gælder ikke for 2015-sæsonen, og derfor bliver der ingen veterantog.
- Vi er meget kede af det på vores passageres vegne, og alle de mennesker vi skuffer. Men det har været en ting, som har været ude af vores hænder, siger Johannes Gravgaard fra Sydjyllands Veterantog.
Problemerne med at skaffe en sikkerhedsgodkendelse fra Trafikstyrelsen får også store konsekvenser for Sydjyllands Veterantogs økonomi. Hver sommer plejer mellem 3.000-4.500 gæster at tage den smukke tur gennem Grejsdalen.
- Vi kommer til at mangle de indtægter i vores forening. Vi får jo ikke offentlig støtte af nogen art, så vores indtægter får vi fra billetsalget og for salg af særtoge. De penge kommer vi nu til at mangle til vedligeholdelsen af vores tog, forklarer Johannes Gravgaard.
Nyt lokomotiv er klart
Som noget nyt i år var det planen, at damplokomotivet TKVJ nr. 12 skulle træk-
ke toget mellem Vejle og Jelling. Sydjyllands Veterantog har fået damplokomotivet klar og godkendt til i år, men uden sikkerhedsgodkendelse må det ikke køre.
Det var meningen, at det første veterantog skulle køre fra Vejle i forbindelse med vikingemarkedet i Jelling i dagene 3. og 4. juli. Herefter skulle togene kører to dobbeltture hver søndag frem til den 9. august.
Veterantoget, der nu drives af SJVT, har siden 1977 hver sommer kørt veterantog mellem Vejle og Jelling.
Foreningen har værksteder og remise i Lunderskov og kører normalt veterantog på Haderslevbanen.
Det daværende Lokomotivklubben KLK begyndte med at køre veterantog i 1972 og havde indtil sammenlægningen i 2010 sin egen opratørtilladelse.
Da SJVT i 2013 blev udskilt fra Danmarks Jernbanemuseum, blev den gamle operatørtilladelse afleveret, og der skulle starte en ny proces med ansøgning om at blive godkendt som operatør.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Vintage train missing approval and must cancel the seasonVeteran train between Vejle and Jelling are cancelled. The Association is waiting for public transportBy Henrik C. Sandvadhensa@ivafo.dkOne of the sure signs of Jelling, and Vejle is summer, when Sydjyllands SJVT vintage train starts at their annual summer jobs with the old train in July and august.This year, however, tourists and locals come to look far after the beautiful vintage train, for Sydjyllands vintage train, which operates the train, lacking a veteran sik-kerhedstilladelse from the Traffic Agency to run as an independent operator.SJVT has since 1977 run historic trains between Vejle and Jelling, and since 2010 has Sydjyllands vintage train run under a security clearance from the Danish railway museum.In 2013 was SJVT detached from the Danish railway museum, and the old operator permit was delivered. Since there has been a process in the process of being approved as operator again.It is a langvarrig process that takes place in sparring with the Traffic Agency.Out of our handsIn 2014 ran SJVT on a temporary arrangement on the Danish railway museum security clearance, but the scheme does not apply to the 2015 season, and therefore there will be no vintage train.-We are very sad at our passengers ' behalf, and all the people we drawers. But it has been one thing that has been out of our hands, says John Gravgaard from Sydjyllands vintage train.Problems with obtaining a security clearance from the Traffic Agency will also have a major impact on Sydjyllands Veteran train economy. Every summer, usually between 3,000-4,500 customers to take the scenic ride through the Danish cleft Grejsdalen.-We're going to be missing the revenue in our Association. We get no official support of any kind, of course, so we get our revenue from ticket sales and for sales of særtoge. The money we come now to be missing for the maintenance of our trains, explains Johannes Gravgaard.New locomotive are clearAs a new feature this year was the plan, to steam locomotive TKVJ nr. 12 should drag-Ke train between Vejle and Jelling. Sydjyllands vintage train has gained steam locomotive ready and approved for this year, but without security clearance should not run.It was supposed that the first vintage train should run from Vejle in connection with Viking market in Jelling in the days 3. and (4). July. Would be trains run two double tours every Sunday until the 9. August.SYDJYLLANDS VINTAGE TRAINVeteran train, now run by SJVT, has been running every summer since 1977 vintage train between Vejle and Jelling.The Association has workshops and depot in Lunderskov and normally run historic trains at Haderslev Court.The then Locomotive Club KLK began with vintage train to run in 1972 and had until the amalgamation in 2010 its own opratørtilladelse.Since SJVT in 2013 was separated from the Danish railway museum, was the old operator permission delivered, and which was due to start a new process of application to be licensed as an operator.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Vintage trains missing approval and must cancel the season
Veterantoget between London and Glasgow is canceled. The Association is waiting for Trafikstyrelsen
of Henrik C. Sandvad
one of the ensure sommertegn in Glasgow and London, when Sydjyllands rides SJVT starts at their annual sommerkørsler with the old trains in july and august.
This year, however, tourists and local to look well after the beautiful rides, for Sydjyllands vintage trains, which operates veterantoget, missing a sik-kerhedstilladelse from Trafikstyrelsen to run as a stand-alone operator.
SJVT has since 1977 been running vintage trains between Dublin and London, and since 2010 has been operating under Sydjyllands rides a security clearance from the Danish Railway Museum.
IN THE YEAR 2013 WAS SJVT separated from the Danish Railway Museum, and the old operatørtilladelse was delivered. Since there has been a process in the process of being approved as an operator.
it is a langvarrig process which is taking place in sparring with Trafikstyrelsen.
out of our hands
IN 2014 drove SJVT on a temporary system in Denmark Jernbanemuseums security clearance,However, the scheme does not apply to 2015-the season, and that is why there will be no rides.
- we are very unhappy with it on our behalf of passengers, and all the people we disappoint. However, it has been a thing that has been out of our hands, says Johannes Gravgaard from Sydjyllands rides.
The problems of obtaining a security clearance from Trafikstyrelsen are also significant implications for Sydjyllands Veterantogs economy. Every summer is usually between 3000-4.500 customers to take the beautiful trip through Grejsdalen.
- we are going to lack the resources in our association. We do not have the public support of any kind, so that our resources do we get from ticket sales and the sale of særtoge.The money we are now going to be lacking in the maintenance of our train, explains Johannes Gravgaard.
new locomotive is clear
as something new this year was the plan, to steam locomotive TKVJ No 12 should pull-
ke train between London and Glasgow. Sydjyllands vintage trains have been steam locomotive ready and approved for this year, but without security clearance, it is not running.
it was supposed,The first rides should run from Vejle in connection with vikingemarkedet in London in the days 3 and 4 July. This would mean two dobbeltture trains run every Sunday until 9 August.
Veterantoget RIDES, which is now operated by SJVT, since 1977, every summer run rides between London and Glasgow.
The Association has workshops and depot in Ferntree Gully and runs normally rides on Haderslevbanen.
The then Lokomotivklubben KLK began to run rides in 1972 and had until the merger in 2010 its own opratørtilladelse.
as SJVT in 2013 was separated from the Danish Railway Museum, was the old operatørtilladelse delivered,And you should start a new process with application to become an approved operator.
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