Energy in protein
Our most important source of protein is meat. It contains 25 g of protein per 100 g. Other foods with a high occurrence of protein are egg, fish, milk, cheese, beans and nuts.
Proteins contain a certain amount of energy just like carbohydrates, fat, alcohol etc. The body uses this energy for vital processes in its cells. The energy is measured in joules (J) or kilo joules (kJ), and one gram of protein contains 17 kJ equals 17.000 J.
We found a list over the foods containing the most protein. The three containing most protein is gelatin, egg albumen and bacon rind snacks. Gelatin contains 87 % protein. The rest is water. Thus, 100 g gelatin contains 1479 kJ in protein. Gelatin is made from bones and skin. Egg albumen contains 81 % protein. The rest is 8 % carbohydrate and 11 % water and ashes. 100 g egg albumen contains 1377 kJ in protein. In the third place over foods with the most protein, is bacon rind snacks with 60 % protein and 40 % fat. It contains 1020 kJ pr. 100 g in protein.