Dårlig, dårlig service i Dronninglund. Overpris på fx et teak bord med fejl/mangler, forlangte dobbelt pris af præcis samme bord i forhold til anden antik forhandler, hvor kvaliteten var bedre. De ville ikke snakke om pris, til trods for pålidelig dokumentation af prisen hos anden forhandler og endda en besparelse på 70% hos privat person via DBA, men mødte os i stedet med en offensiv attitude. Vi forlod stedet straks efter.
Vi overhørte desuden andre besøgende, som også havde uheldige situation med dårlig service og urimelige priser, der endte i en diskussion, hvor sælger var arrogant, rent ud sagt.
Ærgerligt. Mange fine sager samt lokaler.
Poor, poor service in Dronninglund. Overpriced on e.g. a teak table with errors/defects, demanded double the price of the exact same table in relation to other antique dealer, where the quality was better. They would not talk about price, despite reliable documentation of the cost with other dealer and even a savings of 70% with private person via the DBA, but met instead with an offensive attitude. We left the place immediately after. In addition, we overheard other visitors who also had unfortunate situation with poor service and unfair prices, which ended in a discussion, where the seller was arrogant, frankly. Too bad. Many fine things and premises.

Poor, poor service in Dronninglund. Overpriced at such a teak table with errors / defects, demanded double the price of the exact same table compared to other antique dealer where the quality was better. They would not talk about price, despite reliable evidence of the price at another dealer and even a savings of 70% in private person via DBA, but met us instead with an offensive attitude. We left immediately after.
We also overheard other visitors who also had an unfortunate situation with bad service and unfair prices, which ended in a discussion in which the seller was arrogant, frankly.
Too bad. Many fine things and premises.