Hos The Bird & The Churchkey finder du en kærlig nytænkning af toast, ølentusiasme og extentrisk ginnørderi. Menuen byder på gourmettoast, et velassorteret udvalg af gin & tonics og Kissmeyer-øl på hanen.
At The Bird & The Churchkey will find a loving rethinking of toast, ølentusiasme and extentrisk ginnørderi. The menu offers gourmet toast, a well-stocked selection of gin and tonics and Kissmeyer beer on tap.
At The Bird & The Churchkey you will find a loving rethink of toast, beer enthusiasm and extentric ginnerderi. The menu offers gourmet toast, a well-stocked selection of gin & tonics and Kissmeyer beer on the tap. ...
At The Bird & The Churchkey you will find a loving rethink of toast, beer enthusiasm and expansive ginnery. The menu offers gourmet meals, a well-assorted selection of gin and tonics and Kissmeyer beer on the tap.<br>