France Marguerite Ellegaard (10. oktober 1913 i Paris, Frankrig – 17. 翻訳 - France Marguerite Ellegaard (10. oktober 1913 i Paris, Frankrig – 17. 英語言う方法

France Marguerite Ellegaard (10. ok

France Marguerite Ellegaard (10. oktober 1913 i Paris, Frankrig – 17. april 1999 i Espoo, Finland) var en dansk-finsk pianist.

France Ellegaard var datter af cykelrytteren Thorvald Ellegaard. Hun voksede op i Paris under og efter første verdenskrig. Familien tog fast bopæl i Paris 1912, fordi byen var et praktisk centrum for faderens mange rejser. Siden blev familien boende, for at France Ellegaard kunne gennemføre sin musikalske uddannelse der. Allerede da hun var fem år, optrådte hun ved velgørenhedskoncerter, og kun ni år gammel indledte hun sin uddannelse på Paris musikkonservatorium efter at have fået en aldersdispensation. Hendes konservatoriestudier, der varede til 1932, omfattede ikke bare klaverspil, men også musikteori, komposition, musikhistorie og slagtøj, og hun viste så gode resultater på alle områder, at hun i løbet af konservatorietiden indkasserede tolv førstepriser. Som en tyvstart på karrieren debuterede hun som 14-årig i København. To år efter kom hendes debut i Paris, hvor hun afsluttede sin klaveruddannelse ved at spille Nikolaj Rimskij-Korsakov klaverkoncert med Orchestre Lamoureux dirigeret af Albert Wolff. Sine musikteoretiske studier færdiggjorde hun fire år senere, og herefter indledte hun et omfattende turnéliv, som gjorde hende kendt over hele Europa.

France Ellegaards moder, Karen Kirstine Nicolaysen, der under datterens opvækst nøje havde styret hendes musikuddannelse, fortsatte med at være chaperone for hende på alle turnéerne i Skandinavien, de baltiske lande og størstedelen af det øvrige Europa. Først efter at hun var fyldt 30 år, begyndte hun at organisere sin karriere selv. Hun boede i Danmark ved anden verdenskrigs udbrud og forsøgte at fortsætte karrieren trods krigen. De danske kunstnere var forpligtet til at deltage i kulturelle arrangementer i Nazi-Tyskland, og det gælde også France Ellegaard, som gav koncerter i Berlin i årene 1942 og 1943. Da hun i 1943 fik en måneds udrejsetilladelse til Sverige, valgte hun at blive i Stockholm under resten af krigen. I Sverige mødte hun den ungarske pianist Annie Fischer, som hun gav flere duo-koncerter med. Efter krigen mistede hun det danske publikum som opfattede hende som tyskvenlig.

France Ellegaard spille ofte i Finland hvor hun optrådte første gang i 1933, og det blev siden til mange koncertbesøg. Hun spillede ved flere velgørenhedskoncerter til fordel for Finland i forbindelse med vinterkrigen 1939-1940. I 1948 traf hun sin kommende mand, Birger Carlstedt, der var en af Finlands første og førende nonfigurative malere. Parret giftede sig 1949 og France Ellegaard flyttede ind i sin mands kunstnerbolig i Matinkylä (Mattby) uden for Helsingfors.

France Ellegaard fik flere hædersbevisninger, bl.a. den franske Medalje Arts, Sciences et Lettres i 1933 og Tagea Brandts Rejselegat i 1936. I 1960'erne begyndte hendes koncertvirksomhed at mindskes. Hun underviste på Sibelius Akademiet i Helsingfors 1969-1975.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
France Marguerite Ellegaard (10 October 1913 in Paris, France – 17 april 1999 in Espoo, Finland) was a Danish-Finnish pianist.France Ellegaard was the daughter of Thorvald cyclist Ellegaard. She grew up in Paris during and after the first world war. The family took residence in Paris 1912, because the city was a convenient Centre for his father's many travels. Since the family was living at, to France could implement its Ellegaard musical education there. Already when she was five years, she performed at charity concerts, and only nine years old, she began her training at the Paris Conservatory of music after receiving an age exemption. Her Conservatory studies, which lasted until 1932, included not only the piano but also music theory, music composition, music history and percussion, and she showed such good results in all areas, in the course of the Academy that she cashed 12 first prizes. As a false start on her career, she made her debut at age 14 in Copenhagen. Two years after getting her debut in Paris, where she completed her piano training by playing Rimsky-Korsakov Piano Concerto with the Orchestre Lamoureux conducted by Albert Wolff. His music theoretical studies she completed four years later, and then she began an extensive Robinson, which made her known all over Europe.France's mother, Karen, who during the daughter's upbringing N Kirstine carefully had guided her music education, continued to be the chaperone for her on all tours in Scandinavia, the Baltic States and most of the rest of Europe. Only after she had filled 30 years, she began to organize his career though. She lived in Denmark at the outbreak of the second world war and tried to continue his career despite the war. The Danish artists were required to participate in cultural events in Nazi Germany, and it also apply France Ellegaard, which gave concerts in Berlin in the years 1942 and 1943. In 1943, when she was given a month to emigrate to Sweden, she chose to be in Stockholm during the remainder of the war. In Sweden, she met the Hungarian pianist Annie Fischer, as she gave several duo-concerts with. After the war she lost the Danish audience as perceived her as a germanophile.France Ellegaard play often in Finland where she performed for the first time in 1933, and it was since for many concert visit. She played at several charity concerts in favor of Finland in connection with the Winter War 1939-1940. In 1948, she met her future husband, Birger carlstedt, who was one of Finland's first and leading non-figurative painters. The couple married in 1949 and France Ellegaard moved into her husband's artist residence in Matinkylä (Matinkylä) outside Helsinki.France Ellegaard got more honors, among others. the French Medal of Arts, Sciences et Lettres Tagea Brandts rejselegat in 1933 and in 1936. In the 1960s, began her concert activities to be reduced. She taught at the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki, 1969-1975.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
France Marguerite Ellegaard (October 10, 1913 in Paris, France - April 17, 1999 in Espoo, Finland) was a Danish-Finnish pianist. France Ellegaard was the daughter of cyclist Thorvald Ellegaard. She grew up in Paris during and after the First World War. The family took residence in Paris in 1912 because the city was a convenient center for his father's many travels. Since the family was living, to France Ellegaard could complete his musical training there. Even when she was five, she performed at benefit concerts, and only nine years old, she began her training at the Paris Conservatory after receiving an age waiver. Her konservatoriestudier that lasted to 1932, included not just the piano, but also music theory, composition, music history and percussion, and she showed good results in all areas, that she during the Academy cashed twelve first prizes. As one false start in the career she made ​​her debut at age 14 in Copenhagen. Two years later came her debut in Paris, where she completed her piano training by playing Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov piano concerto with the Orchestre Lamoureux conducted by Albert Wolff. His music theoretical studies she completed four years later, and then she began an extensive turnéliv, which made ​​her known throughout Europe. France Ellegaard's mother, Karen Kirstine Nicolaysen, who during her daughter's upbringing had carefully guided her music education, continued to be chaperone for her All tour in Scandinavia, the Baltic countries and most of the rest of Europe. Only after she turned 30, she began to organize her career itself. She lived in Denmark at the second World War and tried to continue his career despite the war. The Danish artists were required to attend cultural events in Nazi Germany, and apply the directive France Ellegaard, who gave concerts in Berlin in the years 1942 and 1943. When she in 1943 was given a month's exit permit to Sweden, she chose to stay in Stockholm during the rest of the war. In Sweden she met the Hungarian pianist Annie Fischer, as she gave several duo concerts. After the war she lost the Danish audience who perceived her as pro-German. France Ellegaard play often in Finland where she first appeared in 1933, and it was next to many concert visit. She performed at several charity concerts in favor of Finland in connection with the winter war 1939-1940. In 1948 she met her future husband, Birger Carlstedt, who was one of Finland's first and leading non-figurative painters. The couple married in 1949 and France Ellegaard moved into her husband's studio apartment in Matinkylä (Mattby) outside Helsinki. France Ellegaard received several honors, including French Medal Arts, Sciences et Lettres in 1933 and Tagea Brandt travel scholarship in 1936. In the 1960s began her concert to diminish. She taught at the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki 1969-1975.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
France Marguerite MR KNUD ELLEGAARD IS HEREBY (October 10, 1913 in Paris, France - April 17, 1999 in Espoo, Finland) was a Danish/Finnish pianist.

France MR KNUD ELLEGAARD IS HEREBY was the daughter of Thorvald multiple Olympic and MR KNUD ELLEGAARD IS HEREBY. She grew up in Paris during and after the first world war. The family took permanent residence in Paris 1912, respectively, because the town was a convenient center of his father's many travels. Since the family was staying,To France MR KNUD ELLEGAARD IS HEREBY be able to carry out its musical education there. Already since she was five years old, she appeared at benefit concerts, jumble sales, and only nine years old began her training at the Paris Academy of Music after having received aldersdispensation. Her konservatoriestudier that lasted to 1932, included not only piano, but also musikteori, composition,What inspired us and percussion, and she showed such good results in all areas, she has withheld during the konservatorietiden 12 førstepriser. As no false start as regards career debut on her as 14-year-old in Copenhagen. Two years after com her debut in Paris, where she completed its klaveruddannelse to play Anna Karenina Rimskij-Korsakov klaverkoncert with Orchestre Lamoureux directed by Sir Albert Wolff.Its musikteoretiske studies she completed four years later, and then she began a comprehensive turnéliv, which made her known throughout Europe.

France Ellegaards mother, Karen itself was a very interesting experience" Suresh Nicolaysen, who during his upbringing had carefully controlled her musikuddannelse, continued to be chaperone for her in all turnéerne in Scandinavia,The Baltic countries and the majority of the rest of Europe. It was only after that she was full 30 years, she began to organize his career even. She lived in Denmark during the second world war outbreak and tried to continue his career after the war. The Danish artists were obliged to participate in cultural events in Nazi-Tyskland , and it also apply France MR KNUD ELLEGAARD IS HEREBY,Which gave concerts in Berlin in the years 1942 and 1943. When she in 1943 was a one-month visa to Sweden, she chose to be in Stockholm for the rest of the war. In Sweden she met the Hungarian pianist Annie Fischer, as she gave several duo concerts. After the war she lost the Danish audience as perceived her as tyskvenlig.

France MR KNUD ELLEGAARD IS HEREBY play often in Finland, where she first appeared in 1933, and it was since to many koncertbesøg. She played in several benefit concerts, jumble sales in favor of Finland in the context of winter war 1939-1940. In 1948 she took her future husband, Samuel Carlstedt, who was one of Finland's first and leading nonfigurative painters.Paired married 1949 and France MR KNUD ELLEGAARD IS HEREBY moved into her husband's kunstnerbolig in Matinkylä (Mattby) outside of Helsinki.

France MR KNUD ELLEGAARD IS HEREBY received several awards, including the French Medal Arts, Sciences et Lettres in 1933, Tagea Brandt travel scholarship in 1936. In the 1960s began her koncertvirksomhed to decrease. She taught at Sibelius Academy in Helsinki 1969-1975.
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