Tolkningen af reglerne er blevet skærpet en smule mht. betingelserne for udstedelse af ekstra pas, siden du fik udstedt ekstra pas sidste gang. Ansøgningen kan derfor risikere at blive afvist af politiet og vi bør modtage politiets svar før du ansøger, så du ikke betaler gebyret forgæves. Jeg foreslår derfor at du sender en skriftlig redegørelse for dit behov sammen med en erklæring fra din arbejdsgiver til os. Så aftaler vi nærmere, så snart vi har modtaget afgørelse fra politiet.
Sammendrag af Udenrigsministeriets instruks om regler og betingelser for udstedelse af ekstra pas:
”Ansøger skal skriftligt redegøre for sit behov samt fremlægge en erklæring fra sin arbejdsgiver.”
”Ekstrapas kan udstedes, hvis der eksempelvis er tale om forretningsrejser. Som udgangspunkt kan ekstrapas ikke udstedes til turist- og ferierejser. Ansøger skal gøres opmærksom på, at ekstrapas alene må anvendes til den eller de rejser, det er udstedt til. Ansøgeren skal desuden gøres opmærksom på, at det i enkelte lande f.eks. Saudi Arabien kan være forbundet med alvorlige problemer, hvis man bliver fundet i besiddelse af mere end et pas.”
”[myndighederne] kan tillade, at der udstedes et ekstra pas til en ansøger, der dokumenterer eller skriftligt erklærer, at vedkommendes pas er indleveret eller skal indleveres til visering i anledning af en forestående rejse, og at ansøgeren, førend passet kan tilbageleveres, skal foretage en eller flere rejser til udlandet.”
”Det er en betingelse for udstedelsen af ekstra pas, at det vil medføre betydelig ulempe eller økonomisk tab for den pågældende, hvis udstedelse af ekstra pas nægtes. [Myndighederne] kan forlange skriftlig dokumentation herfor. Udstedelsen af ekstra pas i medfør af denne bestemmelse kan normalt ikke ske alene i anledning af turistrejser.”
”Under tilsvarende betingelser kan [myndighederne] tillade, at der udstedes et ekstra pas til en person, hvis pas er forsynet med viseringer eller indrejsestempler, som kan medføre nægtelse af indrejse i det land, som pasansøgeren agter at rejse til.”
The interpretation of the rules have been tightened up a bit. the conditions for the issuance of additional Passport, since you got extra passport issued last time. The application can therefore risk being rejected by the police and we should receive police response before you apply, then you do not pay the fee in vain. I therefore suggest that you send a written description of your needs, together with a declaration from your employer to us. As we detailed agreements, as soon as we have received the decision from the police. Summary of the Foreign Ministry's instructions about rules and conditions for the granting of additional Passport:"The candidate must explain in writing its needs as well as provide a declaration from his employer." "Ekstrapas may be issued, if, for example, in the case of business trips. As a starting point, not ekstrapas may be issued for tourist and holiday travel. The candidate is made aware of, that ekstrapas alone may be used to the travel, it was issued to. The applicant must also be recalled that in each of the countries URf.eks. Saudi Arabia may be associated with serious problems, if you are found in possession of more than one passport. " "[the authorities] may allow an additional passport shall be issued to an applicant that documents or declare in writing that his or her passport is submitted or to be submitted to the show ring, on the occasion of a forthcoming trip, and that the applicant, before the Passport can be returned, make one or more trips abroad." "It is a condition of the issuance of additional Passport, that it will cause significant inconvenience or financial loss for that, if the issue of additional Passport denied. [The authorities] may require written documentation for this. The issuance of additional passport under this provision can usually not be done solely on the occasion of tourist trips. " "Under similar conditions, [the authorities] may allow an additional passport shall be issued to a person whose passport bears entry stamps or show, which may lead to refusal of entry into the country as pasansøgeren intends to travel to." Mvh/Emilia

The interpretation of the rules have been tightened a little respect. Conditions for issuing extra careful since you were granted extra passport last time. The application is liable to be rejected by the police and we should receive police response before you apply so you do not pay the fee in vain. I therefore suggest that you send a written statement of your needs along with a statement from your employer to us. So we agree on details as soon as we have received a decision from the police.
Summary of the Foreign Ministry instructed the rules and conditions for the issuance of additional
passport: " The applicant must make a written account of his needs as well as provide a declaration from his employer.
" " Ekstrapas may be issued, if for example the case of business trips. Basically ekstrapas not issued to tourism - and leisure travel. Applicant must be noted that ekstrapas only be used for carrying or traveling, it is issued. The applicant must also be pointed out that in countries such. Saudi Arabia may be linked to serious problems if you are found in possession of more than a passport. "
" [ Authorities] may permit issued an additional passport to an applicant that documents or declare in writing that his passport is filed or must be submitted to the show ring in the occasion of an upcoming trip, and the applicant before the passport can be returned, it must make one or more trips abroad. "
" it is a condition for the issuance of additional passport that it will cause significant inconvenience or financial losses of that, the issuance of additional passport denied. [The authorities] may require written documentation. The issue of extra passport under this provision will not normally be alone in the rise of tourist visits. "
" Under similar conditions, [the authorities] allow the issuance of a second passport to a person whose passports are provided with visas or entry stamps may result in denial of entry into the country, as pasansøgeren intend to travel to. "
Sincerely / Regin

the interpretation of the rules have been tightened up a bit about. the conditions for the issue of extra passport since you got extra passport issued last time. the application can therefore run the risk of being rejected by the police and we should receive the response before you apply, so you don"t pay the fee in vain. i therefore propose that you send a written statement of your needs, together with a statement from your employer to us. then we detailed agreements as soon as we have received the decision from the police.summary of the department"s instruction on the rules and conditions for the granting of additional passports:"the applicant shall, in writing, explain its need and submit a statement from his employer.""ekstrapas can be issued if, for example, there is talk about business travel. as the starting point can ekstrapas not issued to tourist and holiday trips. applicant must be made aware that ekstrapas alone may be used for the travel, it is issued. the applicant must also be pointed out that, in some countries, for example. saudi arabia can be associated with serious problems if you are found in possession of more than a passport. ""[the authorities] may allow that an extra passport issued to an applicant demonstrating or declare in writing that his passport is submitted or to be submitted to visering in respect of an impending journey, and that the applicant before the passport can be returned, should carry out one or more trips abroad.""it is a condition for the issuance of additional passport, it would involve considerable disadvantage or economic loss for the person, if the issue of extra passport is refused. [the authorities] may require written documentation. the issue of extra passport pursuant to this provision may not normally be alone in the rise of tourism. ""under corresponding conditions can [the authorities] to allow an extra passport is issued to a person whose mind is equipped with viseringer or indrejsestempler, which may lead to refusal of entry in the country which pasansøgeren intends to go to."mvh / regina