GXG internt i organisationen havde tilladt langt over 70 sager om mulig overtrædelse af GXG’s egne regler at blive opbygget uden hverken at sagsbehandle disse eller at foretage den lovpligtige indberetning til Finanstilsynet.
GXG internally in the Organization had allowed far more than 70 cases of possible violations of the GXG's own rules to be built without neither to the social worker these or to make the statutory reporting to the FSA.
GXG within the organization had allowed far more than 70 cases involving possible breaches of GXG's own rules to be built without either caseworker these or carry out the statutory reporting to the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority.
GXG internally in the organization had allowed well over 70 cases of possible breach of GXG's own rules to be built without either sagsbehandle these or carry out the statutory reporting to Financial Supervisory Authority.