Tryk på den notifikation, som vi har sendt til din mobil, eller åbn MobilePay, og vælg Kort i sidemenuen.Herefter:Tryk på det kort du gerne vil bruge til nethandelTryk på knappen Brug til nethandel
Tap the notification we sent to your mobile or open mobilepay and select Map in the sidebar. <br>Then: <br>Press the card you want to use e-commerce <br>Press Use e-commerce
Tap the notification that we sent to your phone, or open MobilePay and select Map from the page menu.<br>Then:<br>Tap the card you'd like to use for online<br>Tap the Use for Retina button
Press the notification we have sent to your mobile phone, or open MobilePay, and select Map from the page menu.<br>Next:<br>Press the card you want to use for network trading<br>Press the Use for Network Trading button<br>