Sid en maj har den populære danske skuespiller Thure Lindhardt opholdt翻訳 - Sid en maj har den populære danske skuespiller Thure Lindhardt opholdt英語言う方法

Sid en maj har den populære danske

Sid en maj har den populære danske skuespiller Thure Lindhardt opholdt sig i Los Angeles i USA, hvor han netop nu er i fuld gang med optagelserne til blockbusterfilmen ’Engle og Dæmoner’ baseret på bestsellerbogen af Dan Brown.

Thure Lindhardt plejer derfor daglig omgang med verdensstjerner som Tom Hanks, Ewan McGregor og Stellan Skarsgård, men han kan desværre ikke ytre et eneste ord om filmoptagelserne, fordi han har fået mundkurv på.

– Jeg kan altså ikke fortælle dig noget som helst om den film eller om min rolle. Jeg har fået mundkurv på. Men jeg kan fortælle dig, at jeg nu har været i USA siden maj, og at jeg først vender tilbage til Danmark i oktober, siger Thure Lindhardt til Ekstra Bladet, da vi fanger ham på mobilen i Hollywood en tidlig morgen.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
SID a may have the popular Danish actor Thure Lindhardt stayed in Los Angeles in the United States, where he just now is in full swing with the footage to the blockbuster film ' angels and Demons ', based on the best-selling book by Dan Brown. Thure Lindhardt wont therefore daily dealings with world stars such as Tom Hanks, Ewan McGregor and Stellan Skarsgard, but he cannot utter a single word about filming, because he has been gagged. – I cannot tell you anything about the movie or about my role. I have been gagged. But I can tell you that I now have been in the United States since may, and that I first returns to Denmark in October, says Lindhardt to Ekstra Bladet, when we catch him on the cell phone in Hollywood early one morning.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Sid a may have the popular Danish actor Thure Lindhardt stayed in Los Angeles in the United States, where he has just now in the process of filming the blockbuster movie Angels & Demons, based on the bestselling book by Dan Brown.

Thure Lindhardt therefore tend daily dealings with the world stars such as Tom Hanks, Ewan McGregor and Stellan Skarsgard, but he can not utter a single word about the shooting, because he has been muzzled.

- I can not tell you anything about the film or my role. I have been gagged. But I can tell you that I have now been in the US since May and that I first returned to Denmark in October, says Thure Lindhardt to Ekstra Bladet, when we catch him on the phone in Hollywood an early morning.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
sit a may have the popular danish actor thure lindhardt resided in los angeles, united states where he now is in full swing with footage to blockbusterfilmen 'angels and demons' based on bestsellerbogen by dan brown.thure lindhardt usually therefore daily dealings with verdensstjerner as tom hanks, ewan mcgregor and stellan skarsgård, but unfortunately, he could not utter a single word about records, because he has been muzzled.- i can't tell you anything about the films or on my part. i have been gagged. but i can tell you that i have been in the united states since may and that i only come back to denmark in october, says thure lindhardt to ekstra bladet, when we catch him on the cell phone in hollywood early one morning.
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