Denne bog er udført paa matglittet specialtryk med garamond typer i Hjorths Tryk, med klichéer fra Illugrafias klichéanstalt og i træ- og linoleumssnit.
This book is performed on the matglittet special pressure with garamond types in Hjorths pressure, with cliches from the Illugrafias cliché institution and in wood and linoleum cuts.
This book is performed on matglittet special pressure with Garamond types of Hjorth's Press, with clichés from Illugrafias cliché plant and in the wood and linoleum cuts.
This book is done in matglittet specialtryk with Garamond types in Hjorths press, with stereotypes from Illugrafias klichéanstalt and in wood and linoleumssnit.