Du er, hvad du spiser, og hos det islandske madkoncept Glò er målet derfor at skabe sunde og velsmagende måltider, som styrker krop og sind. Maden tager udgangspunkt i det grønne køkken og byder på noget for enhver smag.
You are what you eat, and in the Icelandic food concept Glo is the target therefore to create healthy and tasty meals that strengthen the body and mind. The food is based on the green kitchen and offers something for everyone.
You are what you eat, and with the Icelandic food concept Glò, the goal is to create healthy and tasty meals that strengthen body and mind. The food takes its starting point in the green kitchen and offers something for everyone.
You are what you eat, and with the Icelandic food concept Glo, the goal is therefore to create healthy and tasty meals that strengthen body and mind. The food starts from the green kitchen and offers something for every taste.<br>