Severin Hansen palisander sideborde sælges. To stk. haves. Begge i pæn stand med enkelte små ridser, det meste kan poleres væk. Ellers ingen fejl eller hakker. Sælges for 450kr. pr. stk. eller 800kr. samlet.
Severin Hansen rosewood side tables sold. Two paragraphs are exhausted. Both in Nice condition with a few small scratches, most can be polished away. Otherwise no error or stutters.Sold for 450kr. per paragraph or 800kr. assembled.
Severin Hansen, rosewood side tables sold. Two paragraphs. haves. Both in good condition with a few small scratches, most can be polished away. Otherwise, no errors or hoes. Selling for 450kr. per. PCS. or 800kr. gathered.
severin hansen palisander sideborde sold. two paragraphs are exhausted. both in decent shape with a few small scratches, it"s mostly polished away. otherwise, no errors or notches.sold for 450kr. per paragraph or 800kr. overall.